3: Meet?

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??? POV

I was going out after the dance practice and told Hoseok-hyung that I will be going out a bit to freshen up. I was walking in an alley with my hood jacket on.

I was approached by three buff men. I have a bad feeling about these people.

"Can I help you sir?", as I politely ask of them.

"Are you part of that group BTS, boy?", as my suspicion grew that this is gonna be bad people I'm meeting here?

"I don't think so, sorry", as I lied to get out as much as possible, moving slowly back.

"Boss, it's one of them, I can guarantee it", as I move back, I bump one of the guys and the other guy held my arm tightly.

"What are you doing? Let me go", as I struggle but I can't beat this guy's strength. They're just too strong.

"Great, our princess will be happy", as a smirk of I think is their leader in this triad and what princess is he talking about.

"Sir, I'm not the person you think I am", as I struggle more. I need to get out and call for help. The leader comes closer and just grins.

"Famous aren't we?", he maniacally chuckled.

As I struggled on the grips of the two.
I was about to scream, the leader instructed me to cover my mouth with a cloth.

He keeps mentioning that princess person and they will target hyungs also. This is not good, am I about to be kidnapped? Then something happened and someone came.

A trash bag was thrown which caught their attention and a stranger approached us. A 20ish guy seems lost and was apologizing that he accidentally threw the garbage but the leader stopped him and grabbed his wrist.

Is this another casualty? I don't want to see murder but upon seeing him I think he's distracting him which the man blinds his attention and out of the blue, he hit him with the trash bag which loosens his grip and hits his private area. Ouch.

It causes minor panic to the others as the other removes his grip on mine which the other fully handled me. The guy fully attacked the stranger but he just avoided it like he was expecting it. His counter was an elbow hit on the neck which the buff guy unconscious. This guy is so cool.

I thought I was saved but the guy but I felt a sharp knife on my neck, threatening the guy that he will harm me. Oh jeez, not now, I have a lot to live.

As I look at the guy, he was just stoic as he approached and aim for the guy's foot which caused him to loosen his grip on the knife and to me.

He pulled me away and I fell to the ground. I groan and as I turn, the last guy was on the ground. I removed the cloth from my mouth. Witnessing the kidnappers groaning in pain and unconscious.

The guy approached me, as I was getting up, cleaning myself. He asked if I'm okay. I thank him a lot and reassure him I should call the authorities. He also asked as I raise my hood with a shock on his face.

"Are you Jeon Jungkook?", as I nodded which made him stunned?

"The Jeon Jungkook??", as he was still in shock and I nodded again.

"Yeah, I would like to thank you again", as I bow to show gratitude to him.

"A-I I I", as he stuttered. Is he okay? Does he know me for reacting this way?

Looking back at him, I never noticed that he is an attractive guy with a good built. Wait, what am I thinking right now? I snapped back and looked still in an awestruck face.

"Are you okay?" I put my arm on his broad shoulder and he just nodded.

"I-", before he could speak, I was cut off by the vibration of my phone. I grabbed it and saw that Jin-hyung was calling. I answered it.

"Kook, where are you? It's almost an hour since you left, the others are getting worried", as I hear their concerning tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry hyung, something happened to me but no worries, I'm calling the police on it", as I assured him.

"Police? WHAT? Are you hurt? What happened Jungkook?", as I hear his worrisome on me.

"Aniya, it's OK hyung, I'm fine, and tell them to get me here", he sighed.

"OK OK you better explain it young man, and tell also our manager on it, you'll get a lot of scolding from the upper people", as I sighed back. Not knowing my surrounding.

"No worries hyung, a guy who-", as I look back to him. He vanished and it made me look dumbfounded.

"Hello? what guy ? hello?Jungkook", as I look at my vicinity. He was gone. Who could that guy be? He's my knight in shining armor. Can I meet him again?


I run like a cheetah chasing prey and stopped on a bus stop post, panting heavily away from that person, Jeon Jungkook of BTS. I was so shocked and blanked after I saw his face.

He's one of the member most important musical artists in my whole life. I wish I could stay more and be star-struck to the moon.

I can't do that, from what I've done there. I swear in my life that I'll never go back on those things and then, he's the witness of it all. This is my chance of changing myself and not looking back at my past. So I just sighed, sat at the bus stop, and wait to go home now.

"This is a crazy day for me", as I sighed and the bus arrived.

Author-nim here! (Edited: March 21, 2020)😉

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's short compare to the last one.

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Shoutout to _Jackson09 for suggesting. Thank you for reading my fellow 98liner

I would appreciate it a lot, well this the end as always enjoy.....

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