9: Pack?

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"You sure, this is your decision?", Joonwoo asked.


"OK, here's goes nothing", as the two of us pulled.

"Hnghhhn, it's so tight Joonwoo"

"Just push it, it will loosen after"

"OK I'm pushing it, hold tight"

"Ahhhhhh", Minji shouts at us.

"Yah! What is the effing place going on here? I heard some sounds that I wouldn't like", as I and Joonwoo were pushing the clothes on the luggage, and shoes are tight to fit in with the amount of stuff inside already.

"We're just putting the shoes inside but just one push, it will fit"

"Joonwoo, it's too cramped up and might explode if I got it out"

"Trust me Y/N, you'll be fine", as Minji hit his head with a ladle.

"Joonwoo you dumb, you don't jam stuff on the luggage and call it a day"

"Big Sis, that hurts"

"Redo everything, Y/N will not leave yet, we still have a couple of days"

"What about the shopping plan?", as he pouts.

"Move it tomorrow before he leaves", as I nodded.

"I'll help him pack and you, go check my cooking", as he throws her ladle at him, and Joonwoo huffs and goes to the kitchen.

"That kid, zip it widely Y/N, I don't know what sorcery did he do", as I chuckled. Now, you're thinking why I'm packing up well, let me tell you.

Flashback (A couple of days before)

I'm standing here at the entrance holding the contract and requirements. Yes, I'm doing it, I'm accepting as a bodyguard. I've been weighing pros and cons until I've concluded and the pay is huge to my liking. I proceed to the reception and the lady reception asked me.

"I'm here for the contract about the personal bodyguard", she gasped.

"Are your Mr. L/N?", as I nodded.

"I'll call them right away", she dials on the phone.

"Yes sir, he's here and he has the contract, OK sir, I'll tell him", as she ended the call.

"Please go to the 7th floor and look for this name on the door", he hands me a name on the business card and I nodded and thanked him before going to the elevator.

I press the elevator button for the 7th floor and I was a bit nervous. I looked at the doors with the name given to me. I knock on it and opened it by a woman.

"Uhmm is Mr. Lee there? I'm supposed to hand him my contract and requirements", as she was skeptical but after a couple of seconds, she asked for the contract. I hand her the files and she read through them.

"You're Y/N, Mr. Lee is currently is on a meeting but no worries. I'll go to the meeting room to tell him you're here. Just sit down on the couch and wait for my instructions", as I nodded and entered the room and sat on the burgundy couch. I just scrolled on my phone, watching posts and videos. I sighed, I can't believe I'm doing this, me meeting my idols not only once but every day well not technically, or is it? I didn't read in the contract that I have to move but I don't care as long as I got to meet them.

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