6: Well?

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(Warning: This chapter may contain depression, anxiety.
, violent tendencies, angst, suicidal triggers. If you don't want to read it, skip the flashback.)

Living life as an orphan and adopted to people who you thought will love you as one of their family. Yes, I end up in misery. Not knowing my origin and learned suffering at such a young age. I endured it for many years, the constant assaults were both verbal and physical. It may be the reason I turned wild and enraged throughout my adolescence. Fueled by hatred and pent-up anger from those people who I cared about but were there for me. Fighting this, fighting that, it felt good on those moments, just numbing the pain I've experienced but I know I've crossed a tripwire that soon will blow up to my face leaving me dead and it did. I saw myself in the hands of my abuser as the blood of an innocent was drenched because of blind rage. I've caused someone's life to end in such an unforgivable way. It consumed me and drown me in guilt. I was in a dark place. I see myself as a murderer. I should die. I should kill myself. All those thoughts muddled to my mind. I was on the edge of a bridge. I was so ready to end it all as a payment for the life I've taken. Something stopped me, a song struck my soul. As I exhale through the pain like smoke in the rain. My body collapsed yet that was a sign of change. A change that will forever bring me to the right path of life. The day of spring as the title told. I was anew.


I woke up. I felt dry tears in my eyes. I've been crying in my sleep. Those things in my past. I can't seem to get them out of my head. It still haunting me.

I sighed and tried to stand up but I felt a pain in my shoulder. Remembering what happened, I was shot and almost got jailed. Looking at my surrounding, I'm in a hospital room. I wore a hospital gown while I was patched up on my face and my chest area.

Not even a month, I've already caused trouble to myself. I'm a trouble magnet. I just slowly raised half of my body and leaned back on the hospital bed.

I looked around and I saw on my right side, a bowl of fruits and my phone. Oh shoot, I almost forgot, the groceries I bought. Joonwoo is gonna be so mad. I had to call him. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and also my phone. I dialed Joonwoo's number. After a second, he accepted it.

"Y/N, you better give a good explanation why they are police in the house last night with your grocery bag delivered? They are also asking for any identification of you. Good thing, I have your legal documents here. Where are you right now? Noona and I are worried. The police just said that you are involved in an incident", as I sighed. I have to wrap up my mind to answer those questions. They don't know what I was before so I need to divert them and telling some truth along the way.

"Uhmm yeah, I was involved through some gang wars at the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn't know the place a lot, so I was just lost and lucky me, I got shot and slightly beaten up", as I heard a gasp on the other line. They are now more worried about me.

"That's horrible, so are you in the hospital now?", he asked in clearance.

"Yes, I'm currently alone here, me, I and I, would love some companion here", as I make a fake groaning.

"OK Mr. Y/N, I'll come, I'll just tell owner-nim that I'll take the leave and also told what happened to you", as I nodded.

"Y/N, one more thing, is the incident that happened to you the same as on the news of BTS almost being kidnapped on the same night?", my eyes widened. The media knew what happened but they didn't say about me or what I did or did they? I was getting nervous. Joonwoo got a nose in checking stuff out.

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