13: Lift?

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The quick shower wasn't so bad after all. I got out and saw that Mr. Min already left the room.

"Yoongi-sunbae?" I shake my head. It will be awkward if I called them sunbae. I don't have that kind of relationship with them yet. I'm merely an employee working for them. As a fan of them, I couldn't be happier about it. A knock was heard on the door. I head to the door and open it.

"Y/N, hey" it was Mr. Jung.

"Mister Jung, how can I help you?"

"Jeez, just call me Hobi-sunbaenim, we're not at work and will be living together for a while"

"OK" I smile weakly. Mister Ju-I mean Hoseok-sunbae is a ball of sunshine when he smiles.

"How about you come down? We're having a little movie night and beers"

"Did the manager approved the alcohol?"

"You gotta be quiet about that, Sejin-Hyung doesn't have an idea, and no worries, we won't be drunk. Those are light-type of alcoholic drinks" he winks and grabbed my hand as we head down to the living room.

"Guys, I got Y/N, fresh from the shower", he shouted and the others look at me while Mr. Kim Seokjin is looking for a movie while Mr. Kim Taehyung was blabbering behind him about his pick on the movie.

"Hello" I bow and the embarrassment a while in the dining was still felt but I hope I'm not getting fired.

"You look good Y/N, come sit here, we're having a small celebration", Mr. Jimin while munching some chips.

"Hobi-nim already told me that"

"Ey, he called me sunbae" as he aims for a high five and I put my palm up and receive it.

"Well, I already said to Y/N that he can call me Hyung, Hyung," Mr. Jungkook said while going to me.

"Y/N, you'll call me Hyung right?", as his hands were on my shoulder. Why are you asking me this? The Golden Maknae asking me to call me Hyung.

"Uhhh, okay Hyung" his face lit up upon hearing it from me. He looks at the members and sticks his tongue out. I heard snickers but I didn't know where it came from.

Hobi-nim pulled me to sit down next to him and scoot out Namjoon (I'm calling him that because saying mister Kim is too long and there are three Kims so it's also tiring) which made him annoyed by a little.

"What were you watching?" I ask while Hobi-nim grabs the popcorn bag.

"We haven't decided yet, Yoongi wants us to watch horror but some of us are p*ssies and rom-com is too cheesy for our taste" he replies while munching popcorn.

"How about a musical? I heard that movie, "The Greatest Showman" was good" I suggest and he nods.

"That's a great pick, Taehyung, you're holding the remote, search what Y/N movie suggested and play that," Hobi-nim said while instructing Taehyung who heard my statement and he picks what I said. To be honest, I have never seen this movie but I'm they're going to like it.

Hoseok POV

Y/N is such a cute and well-mannered guy. He smells nice too, like a fresh spring breeze. I'm so happy to get to me to call as his sunbae.

I've been just staring at him while he's into watching the movie, We have seen it but what he said is true, it's a good movie. I look a bit from the guys and I see Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook eyeing with a threat. I don't know what qualms are they into but I'm not having it.

I was munching my popcorn when I heard someone singing A Million Dreams like a sweet lullaby in a crisp and clear voice. I turn to my side and see Y/N singing, who knew this guy has this kind of talent he's been hiding. He stops singing and I clap in awe. The other clap also.

"Y/N, you have a great voice," Jin-Hyung said and others agree.

"I can agree"

"Me too"

"I second the motion" Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook reply.

"Thanks but I'm not that great of a singer"

"You're a liar Y/N" I reply.

"Too bad, these two didn't hear it" Taehyung pointed Yoongi-Hyung and Namjoon whose sleeping on the couch.

"Well, their loss" he was nudged by Jin-Hyung.

"Enough chit-chat, let them sleep, and let us continue the movie," Jin-Hyung said as he unpauses the movie.

After an hour, it was a thrill to watch especially Y/N. The way he reacts to the scenes. To be honest, I was just staring at him most of the time rather than the movie. Namjoon even woke up to one of his reactions. The others are going up and making Y/N come with them especially Jungkook but he declined.

"Should I wake mister Min?" I hear him as he goes to Yoongi-Hyung.

"Hyung doesn't like being woken up from his sleep" he jolts as I reply to him.

"Sunbae, you surprise me" I just smile.

"You should carry him above, don't worry, he's a heavy sleeper" I look at him and he makes a skeptical expression.

"There's no need to fear, just put him in his bed, I'll even help you open the door"

"Thanks sunbae, well, here's goes nothing" he scoops Hyung with his two arms and I'm shocked at his strength.

"You're pretty strong Y/N, do you lift?" I jokingly said.

"Not really, I only do chores and I did some heavy lifting jobs before" I'm not still convinced but that doesn't mean I don't believe what he says.

We head upstairs slowly. He is careful and it shows on his face. I'm beside him and aide him also. It's a good thing that our room is close to them. I open the room and he heads inside. After a couple of minutes, he goes back to me.

"Thank you so much sunbae for your help" he bows and I smile.

"No problem, if you need help with Hyung. I'm here to assist" he chuckles.

"I might need that a lot sunbae" we both laugh.

"It's getting late, we better sleep," I say as he closes the door and I wave goodbye. He smiles and waves back.

I head to my room and can't stop smiling. There's something about Y/N that makes me feel giddy. I don't know what it is but it feels good. I don't want to end it

Unknown POV

"Here's the file, you've been asking sir" I grab the folder containing information of that boyband BTS.

"They recently move to a much more secured house and now guarded 24 hours"

"This was supposedly an easy task but why can't these men of yours do it"

"Those two attempts were stopped by someone" he hands me another folder.

"From what I've gathered, he is now part of the security of BTS and we couldn't get any information of his past or where he came from. As if someone purposely removed it"

"Y/N, what an interesting guy" so he's the person who's been fucking up my plan.

"It's a good thing that we've been given more time so we need to make a flawless plan and not involving this guy but I'm intrigued by this Y/N, I better check this out by myself"

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