11: Dish?

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Third Person POV

As the members and Y/N unpack their stuff, Y/N felt underwhelmed by the stuff he brought unlike his who has a ton of clothes, shoes, and accessories packed. He only has a few clothes and three pairs of shoes. The jewelry he had is a bullet necklace he found on the chest that came with his adoption paper.

"What are you looking at?", Yoongi asked which made him jolt and avoid his gaze.

"S-sorry, Mr. Min", as Yoongi was kinda annoyed on calling him Mr. Min but he can't argue because he's just an employee doing his job.

"It's fine, you can your *looks at his two bags* stuffs in your cabinet, I'll head to the bathroom to put my things", as he just nodded as Yoongi grabbed a bag of necessities like beauty and dental health items while Y/N just sighed and put his few clothes in the huge cabinet and put his 3 pair of shoes under. He took a note to himself to shop for more clothes on his salary.

Meanwhile, in the other rooms, Taehyung was still baffled about what happened in the van. That scene can't seem to get it out of his mind which made Hoseok kinda worried.

"Hey Tae, you okay? You've been spacing out", as Hoseok checked Taehyung who was a little bit shocked.

"Yeah, I'm fine hyung, just tired from the moving", as Hoseok nodded.

"Why don't you rest in the meantime and just finish the unpacking later", Taehyung shook his head.

"It's OK hyung, I'll continue, I'll just take a quick nap later", as he continued putting his stuff on the drawer.

Next room where from Jimin and Jungkook, Jungkook was just smiling while putting his white shirts on the cabinet while Jimin on the other hand was busy on his phone, cropping Y/N from the pics that Taehyung took.

"Hyung, what are you doing?", Jungkook was curious about what Jimin doing because he's been smiling about it. Jimin immediately turns off the screen of his phone.

"Hey, It's rude to watch other people's phone Jungkook"

"I'm sorry hyung, I was just curious because you're grinning like hell", as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever just finish unpacking your white shirts", Jungkook turns to roll his eyes.

Finally, the next room where Seokjin and Namjoon shared is also busy unpacking stuff.

"Hey Joon", Seokjin says while folding some clothes.

"Yes hyung?", Namjoon replied.

"Aren't you worried about Yoongi's roommate?"

"You mean the kid? I don't think so, he seems a nice person and he was verified by our management so I don't think we should be worried about"

"I know but there's something about that kid that I don't pinpoint what"

"Hyung, you're doing it again", Namjoon sighed.

"Oh shush you, I'm just being careful"

"Didn't he saved you from those thugs?"

"I know but-"

"Hyung, how about this, let's give this kid let's say a week in staying here, if we see any ill intentions, we can report it to the management, OK?", Seokjin nodded and continued folding the clothes.

This is a new environment not only for Y/N but also for the boys. The possibilities are endless but none can partake in what will happen. Let's just see and find out.

Seokjin POV

It's almost dinner as I took a quick nap after I finished unpacking. I better get down to see the kitchen and what did they put on the refrigerator. I'll try to cook something up.

As I go down and heading to the kitchen, I saw a person who is sleeping on the couch in the living room. I hurried a bit to see who it is. It's Y/N, sleeping peacefully. I wonder why he's sleeping here and not in his room.

Well knowing Yoongi is your roommate can be intimidating and scary. I think also that living with strangers can be uncomfortable and lonely. I still remember the first time I met that doofus, I was so out of place because I was the oldest but here we are now, staying strong as a group. I do hope I get to meet him more and be accustomed to us.

I was busy reminiscing without knowing that Y/N was sleeping topless. It was covered by the blanket but like the blanket slip through the floor, it showed his bare chest.

I can't help to blush and almost choke. I know it's so embarrassing right now if someone sees me but damn, this kid is ripped. I immediately grab the blanket on the floor and as I try to put it on top of his chest, he woke up. He immediately jerked up upon seeing me.

"Oh, Mr. Kim, good afternoon, I mean good evening, what can I do for you?", he put his arms in his chest. I cleared my throat and gave the blanket.

"I-it's nothing, I was just grabbing the bl-blanket", as he immediately grabbed a sleeveless shirt near him and wore it.

"I'm sorry for that Mr. Kim, that's my habit of sleeping, I tend to be topless", he bows.

"It's fine, I've met people who like that", as I smiled but I was lying to myself when he's the only one I know who sleeps topless.

"Sorry, again Mr. Kim but may I ask what are you doing here right now?"

"Oh, I was about to make dinner for the guys" Damn, I still can't get over what I saw. Pull it together Seokjin.

"Can I help Mr. Kim? I know a thing or two about cooking but it's OK if you don't want"

"It's fine, you can help me, usually it's Jungkook or Yoongi who helps me cook, maybe you could cook a dish for us", as he just chuckled.

"If you insist Mr. Kim", as I ran to the kitchen. Seokjin, compose yourself. Why I'm so caught up with him?

He did help in the kitchen although I was against it slightly and even prepared some dishes. I can't help but awe in him right now, not only he can fight but he can cook.

"Mr. Kim, is there something you want me to do?", he is looking at me and I immediately cleared my throat.

"Nothing, just keep doing what are you doing", I turn and just cursed at myself.

Around half an hour, all of the food was now on the table. I'm proud and happy to have our first dinner here at the new house.

"Those looks delicious", he commented but he didn't notice that he's soaking in sweat now and to my surprise, he removed his top in front of me.

I tried to move on the other side of the kitchen but I stepped on the rolling pin and I was expecting that I would land a fall but someone grabbed me. As I open my eyes, I saw Y/N's face and also I remember that he's topless. I was blushing madly.

"Uhh, what's going on here?", as we look at the source of the voice and saw the rest of the guys. We're stuck in this position.

"Oh shoot", as I whispered.
Author-nim here 😆😆
(Edited: January 20, 2021)

I feel embarrassed about this chapter, it's not my forte but I try to make it make good storyline skits. It's not good but hope you enjoy it.

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Once again, I hope you enjoy it and always Byeee

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