8: Hire?

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"You what??!!!!!", as I covered my ear from Joonwoo's sudden shock. It caused some commotion in the store. Oh yeah, we're not in the hospital. I was discharged three days ago. I'm happy to go back to work but I didn't tell anyone about the visit of those important people and want they offer to me. Not forget also three members of BTS came to visit me. I was a shy mess on it. I could feel some tension in Mr. Kim. He maybe doesn't like me or something but Mr. Jung and Mr. Jeon were different. Although something happened when Mr. Jeon...

"Please call me Jungkook and thank you", as I was held like a statue when he kissed my cheek and I did the unexpected and told my name in confidence.

"Hey Y/N, Earth to Y/N", as Joonwoo waves his hand in front of me as I snap back to reality. Back to him now, you may be asking why he shouted. Well, the good old internet took a pic of BTS in the hospital, and Joonwoo as nosy as he is, took me to a whirl with questions as they said that they saw them entered my room.

"For the last time Joonwoo, I didn't know it's them, they just ask where to find a room near to me", as Joonwoo was not convinced.

"They are wearing masks and all. A buff guy asked me and not them", as I try to twist the story. I can't help to think that Joonwoo would know but I have to tell him but not today.

"Really? Coming from a guy who literally adored them and didn't even see or notice them. Bitch your fender is concerning", as he was still skeptical.

"I'm sorry okay, I was just not on my mind on that day", as my statement was true. I was still awestruck meeting the three members of the band I loved the most. Who wouldn't be? It's stressing me out. The offer they've given me and I'm nearing the deadline. I can't weigh the benefits and my doubts if accept or deny them.

"Hey Y/N, it's okay, I should be saying sorry to you. You seem a bit stressed. It's the incident, is it?", as Joonwoo reminded me of another thing I need to take some consideration.

"It's fine Jooonwoo, it's not your fault, I was just unlucky to be placed in that situation", as I was wiping the table and saw Joonwoo, should I ask him for advice?

"Hey Joonwoo, can I ask you something?", as he stopped writing.

"If this is about the laundry situation, I didn't mix your only white shirt with our black rug, it was my sister", as I chuckle a bit.

"No silly, I'm asking for advice", as his left eyebrow raised.

"Oh, are you planning to date someone?", as hit him with the rag.

"No, it's about a job"

"Then why you hit me with that dirty thing?", he huffs in annoyance.

"You can't seem to mind yourself other than dating"

"Hey! I do mind myself and I'm single and only ready to mingle for my oppas", as I still cringe thinking the fascination of his idols.

"Anyways, I was offered a job while I was in the hospital"

"Really? That's unusual"

"I know but remember that buff guy with them?"

"They are looking for a personal bodyguard for idols of BigHit", he was about to squeal but I covered his mouth.

"Yes, I was offered to be a personal bodyguard for BigHi,t and please don't shout, I don't want to pay the glass installation" she nodded and I release my hand from his mouth.

All-Around Bodyguard (BTS X Male Reader) UNDER REVISION Where stories live. Discover now