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It's so obvious, I'd only been in the school for a whole 2 minutes before I saw the supposed "ruler" of the school. It's the same in every school, there's always that one person that they all bow down to and here, it's the star football player. A crowd of cheerleaders all crowded around him and his small friendship group which consisted of a few other members of the team.

A smirk settled attractively on his face as he flirted with several of the girls leading to me rolling my eyes, typical. I went to walk past, needing to locate my locker before a whistle caught my attention and I turned to face him, my eyebrows raised, "Can I help you?"
"Well babygirl, I just wanted to know how I can get a piece of that ass," He winked as I forced myself not to gag.

"Well hot stuff, the simple answer is, you don't. I don't wanna catch an STD and I'd much rather focus on becoming the football captain." I smirked as he chuckled, a deep sound that made me weak at the knees.
"Good luck babe, we don't have a girls team."
"Looks like I'll have to try out for the guy's team then." I shrugged as everyone in their group laughed, idiots.

"You can try sweetheart but I'm too good for you to beat, our team is solid, there's no way you'll beat one of our guys and take their place." A small murmur of agreement went around before I spoke up once again.

"Why? You're small d*ck isn't masculine enough so you try and make up for it by playing football?" I winked as he glared at me, a vein popping in his neck.
Well that was hot...

"Virgin..." He mumbled as I started walking away.
In response, I stuck my middle finger up, flipping him off, "And proud of it babe."

As I continued in my search to locate my locker, I couldn't help regretting what I said. Yes I was a virgin, and yes I was proud that I hadn't just thrown it away but I knew that it'd be something he used against me now.
"Well that was hot, it's not everyday that someone can stand up to my twin." A deep voice spoke up. I turned to be greeted with a face just like the one I'd seen only a few minutes ago.

"Great... There's two of them," I grumbled, mostly to myself but loud and clearly enough for him to hear.
"Hey, I'm not like him, the only thing we share is looks, and the womb before we were born." He explained as I shook my head with a smile, he was weird.

"I'm Ethan." He introduced, "Your new best friend back there is my twin brother Grayson. He is a player but he's not as bad as he first seems." He told me as I shrugged, so what? Why should I care about his bedroom rota, it's not like I'll be begging to be added to the waiting list.
"So are you really going to try out for the football team? I mean, it's cool if you are but I'm not sure they even let girls try out." He told me as I smiled at him widely.
"Well Ethan, first of all, I'm Rozaline but if you call me anything other than Roz then I will happily slice your cucumber and secondly, I personally think that if a girl can outplay a guy then it's only fair that she takes his place, they say that girls are the weaker sex but there's a lot that goes on that can prove otherwise."
After the little speech I laid on him, he remained quiet for a moment before nodding, "Yeah I guess." He smiled, biting his lip just as the bell sounded.

"Right, since you scouted me out, you can take me to my homeroom, B7."
"You're not gonna like this one bit." He smirked smugly as I rolled my eyes.
"Why's that?" I frowned, following Ethan as he shook his head.
"You'll find out."

As we went down a flight of stairs I could hear the noise from one room and I could already tell that I'd been put in the homeroom that consisted of every loud and obnoxious person in my grade. Great.

"So my little virgin, we meet again."
I groaned at his voice but avoided looking at him as I turned to his twin brother.
"Pleasure's all mine." He winked before leaving me on my own with the walking STD.
I scanned around the room for somewhere to sit, only finding a seat at the front of the class. "If you don't fancy that seat there's always my lap." I heard, and I was surprised that it wasn't Grayson who said it.
Turning, I was faced with another guy who I admit, was hot, but he just wasn't Grayson.
This guy had lighter hair and his features were no where near as defined.
"And who are you? Tweedledum?" I asked as he smirked.
"Cameron Dallas."

I couldn't think of another response which annoyed me, so instead of letting my comebacks slip, I simply ignored him and sat at the front as the teacher marched in.

"Pop quiz!" He exclaimed excitedly as everyone groaned. I didn't actually mind as I always managed to do well in pop quizzes back at my old school.

"So to ensure there's no cheating I want all phones to me." He explained, holding up as box as he went around the class to retrieve the electronics.
"Grayson, your phone." The teacher sighed, holding the box in front of his face.
"I don't have my phone Mr. Dickinson." He smirked as the older figure rolled his eyes.
"So what you're telling me Grayson is that you smiled at your crotch for no reason?" He asked raising his eyebrow as Grayson shrugged with a smirk.
"Well I mean there's a lot to smile at down there sir."

Yeah right...

"I'm sure he just got a little excited sir and was smiling that his d*ck was temporarily a little bigger than 1 inch. Or maybe, his pea sized brain won't let him get the highest score so he feels an overwhelming urge to cheat." I smiled sweetly as I placed my phone in the box as Grayson followed suit.

"I'll let you know princess that I do great in these quizzes and I'll beat your pretty little ass."


"So, Rozaline and Grayson, you both got full marks, well done."

"It's Roz," I mumbled, "and I want a tie-breaker, there's no way that I'm happily being equal to that." I spat as Mr Dickinson sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Fine, how many eyeshadows are there in an average Morphe eyeshadow palette? Use code James for 10% off." He asked, muttering the last part quietly, strange.

Despite this, I smirked, I had a morphe palette at home there was no-


How? How did he know?

I turned to him, my mouth hung open as he winked.
"Sorry babe, I guess I'm better..."

Oh it was on.

End of chapter!
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