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"Ethan! I literally have nothing to wear! You don't understand, my wardrobe is a sad place, I don't wear dresses, they don't suit me!" I declared dramatically, falling on my bed as he looked up from his phone in amusement.
"Let me see what I can do."

He pushed himself up from his bed and searched through my mass of clothes, digging deeper and deeper until he was lost in the pile of clothes. Finally, he emerged, with a sequinned piece of cloth clutched in his large hand.

"You're wearing this." He told me as he handed me the dress and I held it up before me, finally realising where it came from. My best friend from my old town, Sadie, had lent it me before but I'd never worn it as I felt it made me look podgy.

I frowned, biting my lip before deciding to try it on anyway. I went the bathroom and slipped on the skimpy clothing item and was pleasantly surprised. It ended midthigh and hung loosely so didn't show off my figure massively which I liked, but also managed to compliment my figure. It was good.

Walking out, I instantly looked at Ethan for approval and his smile and nod was completely enough to make me feel better. With a smile, I started with curling my hair and applying makeup. Due to football, I didn't wear makeup on the daily and therefore I lacked many skills so opted for concealer, blush, highlight, eyebrows and mascara. I thought I looked good to be completely honest.

Ethan had brought his clothes to my house and therefore he escaped to the bathroom to change quickly before I finished so he stepped out ready as I applied the last coat of mascara, finally ready to go.
"Woah! You're a girl?" He exclaimed, covering his mouth as he fake gasped, making me roll my eyes, punching his arm, hard.

"Ouch, clearly not a girl." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes and punched his other arm, making him yelp out again.
"And you call yourself a man?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and smirking as he stuck his tongue out at me.
"Let's go!"

I got in the car and fastened my seatbelt, taking charge of the aux and blasting all the best songs as Ethan groaned.
"At least play decent music." He begged as I ignored him, continuing to dance along to the music that I loved.

By the time we got to the house, Ethan was less than impressed with me but lightened up at the atmosphere settled over him. He seemed completely at ease and I was in awe that he could be so cool and collected in such an intense environment.

"I'm gonna get a drink? You want one?" I yelled as Ethan shook his head in reply.
"I don't drink, remember?"
I nodded as I recalled the memory and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of lunch with Ethan trailing behind me.
"You don't have to babysit me, I'll be completely fine!" I assured as he shook his head amused.
"I know, I just wanna hang around with you." He smiled as I nodded.

Drinking the lunch, I felt the alcohol burn the back of my throat and I felt my head become lighter and energy surging through my body. I felt alive.

"Let's dance."
Grabbing Ethan's arm, I led him to the dance floor, jumping about with the music and swaying my hips. As I was enjoying myself, I felt a pair of strong hands grip my waist and I smiled, turning and dancing with the mystery guy, who I found to only be Ethan.

"What are you doing, E?" I giggled as the guy chuckled softly at me.
"I'm not Ethan babe!"
I frowned in confusion, "But you look like him! What's your name then?" I asked with a pout.
"You can call me Bailey."

"Well Bailey, you're very hot, almost as hot as Ethan and even almost as hot as Grayson. Ethan is my best friend and I don't think of him as anything more, and Grayson and I fight all the time but sometimes I wish we could take a break just so I can kiss him." I confessed to Bailey who smirked and leaned close to my ear.
"Why don't you find out who the better kisser is by kissing each other?" He suggested as I jumped up and down in excitement.
"Yes! That's a great idea! Thank you so much Bailey!" I smiled as he laughed.

"Can I get a kiss for the great idea?" He winked as I nodded with no hesitation, the alcohol taking the lead as my lips connected with his.
I could taste no alcohol on his lips, only mint and cola and his hair was soft under my touch. His hands held my waist gently, softly digging his nails harder every so often.

Pulling away slowly, I stared up at him, my eyes wide in awe as Ethan came over, his jaw tensed.
"Don't mention this to her tomorrow, Grayson, I mean it."
Grayson... that name sounded familiar.

Shaking my head, I stumbled to Ethan who caught me and smiled, "You Okay?"
I nodded and giggled as Ethan smiled again, rolling his eyes playfully.
"I think it's time to get you home." He declared as I pouted, sitting in the middle of the dance floor.
"For f*cks sake..." Ethan groaned, "Looks like we're doing this the hard way."

With ease, he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder as I laughed every time his steps made me bounce.
"Roz, where does your mom think you are tonight?" He asked as I thought hard.
"Studying!" I said proudly as my best friend sighed in annoyance.

"Right, looks like you're sleeping at the Dolan Den tonight then." He mumbled as I frowned at him.
"What's that?"
"My house."

I nodded and curled up, my eyes growing heavy as I drifted off to sleep, only getting woken when Ethan lifted me to carry me to his room.

A/n: Bailey ayeee??
What will happen in the next chapter??
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