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"Mom, I'm home!" I called as I arrived back at my home. Instantly she came rushing into the hallway to embrace me.
"Where were you last night? I was worried sick! I haven't slept!" She stammered as my heart sunk with guilt.
"I'm sorry mom, I went to a party and slept over at a friends because I didn't want to disturb you."

Her eyes softened at my response and she nodded, kissing my forehead.
"As long as you're okay."
I nodded with a small smile, "I am, but you need to be too mom, come on, at least have an hour of sleep on the couch." I coaxed, gently pulling her to the sofa. She greeted the comfort and curled up, resting her head on my shoulder.

"You was with a boy last night wasn't you?" She asked with a knowing tone to her voice. My mother and I were best friends, she could read me inside out and vice versa. I couldn't keep any secret from her and it was a blessing and a curse.

"I was technically with two, twins..." I explained, biting my lip as her eyes widened in shock.
"You slept with two boys at once, twins?" She exclaimed as I shook my head frantically.
"No! Of course not! Gosh mom! I only kissed one who I'm not supposed to like and the other is my best friend." I told her as her eyebrows raised in response, I knew what she was going to ask next.

"Why aren't you supposed to like him?"

I inhaled deeply and spilled everything to her about the bets to the kiss last night and the kiss this morning and how I unexpectedly liked it but he doesn't like me because he only kissed me to prove a point.

My mother shook her head and a small chuckle left her lips, "Wow Roz, only you could do something as stupid as that."
I smiled sheepishly at her with a shrug when the doorbell rang. My eyebrows furrowed, I stood up, answering the door and becoming even more confused when I saw Grayson there.

"What are you doing here Dolan?" I asked, sudden a little more conscious. My house was nowhere near as large as his and the front garden made the house look a lot more run down than it was. Grayson's expression however remained neutral and he simply only looked at me.

"Well you stole something of mine, and I want to steal one from you so we're even." He shrugged as I rolled my eyes, frowning.
"What are you talking about? I didn't steal anyth-"
I was cut off by Grayson's lips against mine, the passion raw and dominant as I gasped into it, yet quickly responding.

My hands tangled into his hair and he gently coaxed my lips open with his tongue which I was happy to oblige to until I heard someone clearing their throat behind us. My mother.

We sprung away from each other, my cheek turning pink while my mom smirked at the both of us.
"Wow, that one was really close, who can be more disgusting? I simply can't choose a winner. It'll have to be a draw." My mom smirked as I glared at her.

Grayson however, roared with laughter, "I'm sorry Mrs Sanchez but Rozaline is definitely more disgusting than me, she can't resist me!" He boasted as I rolled my eyes.
"Says the one who came over to my house?" I questioned as it was his turn to blush, where's a camera when you need one?

"Well Grayson, I must say that it's lovely to meet you! Would you like to stay for a drink and snack? I made cookies last night." My mother smiled and I instantly perked up at the mention of cookies. Mom cookies were the best cookies!

I stalked ahead of the both of them and instantly took the lid off of the cookie jar, helping myself to a chocolate chip cookie and an oatmeal cookie. Then, whilst pouring myself glass of milk, I saw Grayson select a single chocolate chip cookie. What happened to the pig from breakfast time?

"Rozaline, aren't you going to pour Grayson a glass of milk?" My mother asked giving me a look to tell me that I better do it while I glanced at Grayson who smirked widely then winked at me.
"Yes please do Rozaline! I'm practically dehydrating here!" He expressed dramatically, placing the back of his hand to his forehead.

"My name's Roz." Was my lame reply as I poured the drink and slid it to Grayson who smirked and instantly gulped it down.
"Ah, that hit the spot."

I forced myself to ignore him, letting him and my mother engage in conversation since they seemed to get on well, at least someone in my family liked him. There's only my mom and I, and hint, she's the one who liked him.

Despite his cocky attitude though, I found myself wanting to kiss him again, wanting to call him my own so I could be the only one to taste the sweet mint on his lips. Why should I share the privilege?

But then I realised, it's Grayson. He's never going to settle down with one girl, he's going to sleep with and use them and never return their calls while they cling on to every small ounce of hope they have, though secretly, deep down, they know that he's never going  to interact with them again. It was sad.

Once I'd finished my cookies, I excused myself to go to my room. Although I told them, I doubted either of them listened since they were engaged far too deeply in their own conversation. With a sigh, I went to my room and sat on my bed, staring at my room in detail and comparing it to Ethan's room which right off the bat was 3 times the size of my own.

Shaking my head, I stopped myself, it'd only make me feel bad about myself and then I'd feel bad for being ungrateful. Instead, I listened to music, and I was only halfway through the first song when one of my earbuds was pulled from my ear and placed in the ear of the thief.

"So, What are we listening to?"

End of chapter!
I love Roz's mom!
And she likes Grayson ayeeee, will that help convince Roz?
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