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Grayson doubled over in laughter when he heard my plans, I rolled my eyes at him, he was practically slapping his knees while laughing and that only angered my further.
"I don't know what you're finding so funny, Dolan. I am positive that I'll beat you."

"Fine, 9am tomorrow, we'll meet here and see who can skate the best. Honestly, I don't know why you don't give yourself more time, you know, to maybe at least stand a chance." Grayson chuckled as he took in my irritated appearance. He was really pushing my nerves.
"Yes well, we'll see tomorrow, won't we?" I muttered cooly, tensing when he lightly traced the dark marks that he'd left on my neck.

"Maybe, if you do end up winning, I could give you some sort of reward..." he mumbled absentmindedly, making my eyelids involuntarily flutter shut. He needed to stop having an effect on me.
"Maybe... you're just saying that because you know I'm going to win and you want to add me to the list of girls that you've bedded Dolan. Well sorry, I'm not going to be one of those girls, so maybe you can go catch up with that blonde you had fun with at the party the other night." I snapped as Grayson's eyes widened.

"How do you know?"
I rolled my eyes, "I'm best friends with your twin! Of course I'd find out." I muttered as he ran a hand down his face.
"Well, I guess she doesn't mean anything and all the shit and I'm sorry, blah blah, look can I not do this because I'm clearly not good." He sighed as I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Woah Dolan, great apology, any one would think we're in a relationship." I winked as he rolled his eyes.
"I only apologised because I know you like me, Rosaline." He smirked as I quickly looked away from him, not wanting to admit that his little joke, was in fact, true.
"In your dreams." I muttered as he smirked.
"Yes in my dreams. In my dreams you always end up in my bed, naked..." he whispered into my ear, making my cheeks turn a deep red.

"Well as vile as this is, Roz has to practise so bye baby bro, see you tomorrow!" Ethan smirked as Grayson threw his hand up in exasperation.
"20 minutes Ethan! 20 minutes."

I laughed at their encounter before grabbing the skateboard and listening to Ethan's instructions intently, ensuring I followed every tip and therefore I stayed a little longer on the board every time.

It started to get dark pretty quickly and the coldness seeped through me since I was only wearing a t-shirt. Sadly, I was someone who gets cold far too easily and therefore my teeth were chattering and my lips were blue quicker than Usain Bolt could sprint.

Before I could even say anything, I felt Ethan's jacket being draped round my shoulders. Luckily, he wore a long sleeved shirt so I didn't feel too bad about having his jacket, he also didn't look too cold either. No, he was quite the opposite.

I smiled gratefully at him and continued to practise, soon enough I mastered a small jump and that's when I advanced onto the skate ramps.

It was pretty much given that I'd fall off but I didn't expect it to take so long to get accustomed to, it was a lot more difficult than I anticipated.
After failing for maybe the a millionth try, I sat down, feeling extremely defeated.
"It's not use!" I pouted childishly, hating myself for sounding like a whiny child.

"Shut up Roz. We both know that you're going to stop at nothing to beat Grayson so get off that lazy ass and start practising again."
My eyes widened at Ethan's words, he'd never spoken to me like that before but I realised that it was exactly the correct tone of voice that I needed to hear to motivate me.

With a new found determination, I pushed off the ramp and made it to the other side and I couldn't fight the smile on my face. His words had helped me master it. Clapping, he walked towards me.
"See? You're a pro! Now you just add some tricks in and you've mastered it."

I nodded and began to practise adding in some skills and before I knew it, I had a completed routine. Ethan pulled out his phone to check the time and my eyes bulged as I read the time that flashed on the screen.

"My mom will kill me!" I exclaimed as Ethan laughed, pulling me down onto the grass beside him.
"Then don't go home tonight." He laughed, allowing my head to rest on his chest as he laid back and wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm.

I relaxed in his hold and concentrated on his breathing as my own slowly began to calm and I felt my eyelids grow heavy before they gave up altogether and I fell into a peaceful slumber.

End of chapter!
Sorry it's so short!
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