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"Coach? Are you kidding? She's a girl!" Grayson exclaimed, staring at the coach dumbfounded as I smirked at him.
"Well done for reminding me of my own gender Dolan, can we play now?"
At this, Grayson diverted his attention to me, glaring.
"Shouldn't you be trying out for the cheer team?" He snarled as I rolled my eyes, goodness gracious me.

"I love how sexist you are Grayson, it must be as close to sex as you get with your tiny tic-tac down there." I winked as he rolled his eyes this time.
"Whatever, let's just beat you and get it over with." He mumbled, cracking his knuckles and getting into place as the quarterback. Great, he's my opposition.

I took my place and as soon as the whistle sounded, the adrenaline coursed through my body, snatching the ball and sprinting with it, passing it to a team member before Grayson could tackle me, once I managed to escape him marking me, I once again retrieved the ball and ran to the touchdown line, being tackled by Grayson only once I'd scored.

He hovered above me, staring down at me in shock, not saying anything as I also stared at him. Even whilst sweaty, he looked extremely attractive. His hair was matted but perfectly tousled, his piercing eyes explored mine and his jaw clenched as he realised what just happened.

"Damn Dolan, don't make it too easy." I winked, slipping from beneath him and standing, my legs slightly weak from the beauty that I'd just absorbed.
"Whatever, I wasn't ready, Rozaline..." He smirked, emphasising my name as I shuddered.
"It's okay Grayson, I'm better than you, just let your ego take the beating and we'll move on and live happily." I shrugged as the coach finally came over and slapped me on the back.
"Well done kid, you outplayed our star player, I think that has definitely earned you a place on our team!"

After handing me my jersey, the team seemed unsure of how to react but slowly they all started to congratulate me one by one until it was just Grayson who hasn't said a word.
"Don't expect praise from me Princess. You may have beat me in this one game but I'm good at a lot of different things and that game was simply a fluke. Name a time and place and I'll beat you, whatever it is and whatever it's for. I'll always win." He said deeply, slowly moving closer until our lips were only centimetres away.

"Nice to know Dolan but we both know that it simply isn't true, I could beat you at a lot of things and sure, you could say that they're all flukes but really you'd just be showing everyone what a sore loser you are. You want a competition? That's great, tonight, me and you at In 'n' Out. Burger eating contest. Loser has to go commando for the rest of the night." I smirked as Grayson raised his eyebrows with a teasing smile sitting on his face.

"Hmm, wear a tight shirt babe, I'd prefer to see every curve of your chest when you lose." He winked as I sighed, silly boy.
"Make sure you wear denim so it rubs against your d*ck painfully like sandpaper." I retaliated with a sweet smile as the guys hollered behind me.

"Whatever babe, I'm sure you'd love to see me without any clothes on, maybe then you'd realise that I'm not small in the slightest and that my big package here could definitely satisfy a little girl like you."
I rolled my eyes, I didn't get how people used height as an insult, sure I was only 5'4 but I could do as much as someone at 6'4 could do, the only difference was, I needed a step to reach the cookies in the supermarket while they could raise their abnormally big limbs with ease.

"Grayson, Grayson, Grayson... I don't need satisfaction from you, you'd need to work extra hard to make up for the small length, I could get more satisfaction from anyone of these airheads stood behind you."
At this all the team stood a little taller and puffed their chests out more as I laughed at their idiotic attempts.
"I said could boys, definitely not a would."
At this, they groaned as I walked off to shower.

Just before I entered the changing room, I was stopped by Ethan.
"Not bad Roz, you're better than I expected, you're actually good for a girl."

Groaning, I faced him, "Was that supposed to be a compliment? You know it was so close to being one until you added the 'for a girl' bit on the end. I just beat all the guys out there Ethan so I'm actually good for a guy too! Now stop being as sexist as your brother and let me take a well-earned shower." I ranted, huffing in frustration when I caught his smirk as I pushed past him.

Letting the water trickle down my body, I sighed in relief, the warmth helped me relax and loosened by tight muscles. Grabbing the shampoo, I massaged it into my hair, frowning when the suds washed out as pink- what?

I glanced at myself in the mirror and my eyes widened as I saw my hair tinted pastel pink, my least favourite colour. No he did not.

Angrily, I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself before storming into the boys' locker room. I ignored the whistles I received as in that moment, I only saw red, I only saw his smug little face as he took in my appearance.
"Damn Sanchez, cute hair." He winked as I glared at him before lunging, only to be held back by Ethan as Grayson laughed at my struggling.
"Let me go you meathead!" I screamed as he chuckled at my poor choice of insult.
"Hey, don't blame me, if I'd have let you go for it then you'd be exposing Barbie and Betty to the world."
I stared at him confused, "Who the f*ck is Barbie and Betty?" I snapped as his eyes landed on my chest area. Oh, my boobs.

"Yeah exactly, now go get changed and you can get him back by beating him tonight yeah?" Ethan told me, releasing my shoulders and gently nudging me out of the door.

"Guess I can beat you at pranks Roz! Who's better now?"

End of chapter!
Ahh Grayson is a pranker!
Who do you think will win the Burger competition?
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