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"Ethan, it's okay, he was joking, he said he's gonna try and win me back because I didn't forgive him."
At this news, Ethan relaxed a little.
"Good, you shouldn't forgive him after something like that." He frowned, folding his arms as he glared at his twin in utter disapproval.

"Oh yeah, thanks E, you're such a good twin, thanks for being on my side." Grayson exclaimed, sarcasm dripping off of every word, making Grayson shrug, not saying a word.

"Right, okay then, looks like I have to prove to both of you which is ridiculous because you Ethan, of all people, know what I'm like. Surely you'd know that I'd never hurt her like that! Why can't you see that? She's blinding you!" He sighed as Ethan looked at him with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Oh... I see. Well, I don't really know what to say to that E. I wish I could tell you to go for it but I'm too selfish. I guess I don't deserve it and you do, but I can't lose, I'm sorry." He muttered, quickly walking out of the house as I turned to Ethan with only confusion etched into my features.

"What was he on about?" I frowned as Ethan looked down at me with a soft smile.
"Nothing, don't worry about it. Wanna go to your room to talk?" He asked as I shrugged.

I raced up the stairs and crashed onto my bed, curling up in a ball as the comfort eagerly welcomed me. Ethan chuckled warmly and sat beside me before inhaling deeply.
"So, I wanted to talk to you..." Ethan muttered, making me sit up.
"Sure, what's up?" I asked, crossing my legs and hugging a pillow to my chest.

"So, you know how I told you that ah first I had feelings for you but then they went?" He asked as I nodded slowly.
"Well, the truth is, those feelings never faded Roz, they've grown. I can't go a moment without thinking about you but I couldn't tell you because you were so caught up with Grayson that I never had a chance." He confessed as my eyes widened and my mouth moved with no sound coming out.

A small smile curled his lips at my reaction, "you don't have to say anything." He assured before he gently pressed his lips to mine and I melted, kissing back just as softly yet passionately.

My mind was clouded over and I felt myself getting lost in the moment, forgetting about Grayson and anything else that had happened. I shouldn't have done it, I liked Grayson, pursuing anything with Ethan was bound to end in heartbreak since I didn't return the feelings that he wanted me to.

I felt terrible, of course I did, but you just couldn't force feelings that aren't there, and sadly, for Ethan, they weren't there.

Slowly pulling away, I looked at him and it broke my heart to see what his face told me. He knew how I felt.
"It's Okay Roz." He sighed, "I understand and I expected it. I just wanted to give it a try, but in case that by some miracle, you also had the same feelings for me."

Looking down, I wrapped my arms around him.
"You're the best." I whispered, burying my head into his chest and closing my eyes.
His hand gently stroked my hair and he kissed the top of my head.
"Tell me." He said simply as I looked up at him in confusion.
"Tell me why you like him over me, why you choose him." He said quietly, "Best friends talk about this crap to each other." He shrugged.

"Well... I don't really know. The attraction has just always been there. You're obviously both attractive, you're twins but I don't know, something has just always drawn me to him. I don't know what it is, you can't really explain it when you know. I hope that you experience it soon because it's scary but one of the best feelings in the world. I just really hope that he can prove himself." I whisper.

His fingers raked through my hair as his face remained a void of emotion.
"Well, if you asked me, I'd say that you was in love with my twin brother." He smirked as my eyes widened.
"N-no I don't!"
"It's the best feelings in the world." He mimicked making my cheeks tinge red as I pushed him gently.
"Shut up." I mumbled.
"It's okay Roz. I know how you feel and you can't change that. I just hope for your sake that he does prove himself."

End of chapter!
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