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A knock on the door awoke me from my nap. With a groan, I heaved myself up and sighed as I glanced at myself in the mirror, I was dressed in sweatpants and a large t-shirt, my hair was ruffled and the dark bags under my eyes was a clear giveaway that I'd been sleeping only seconds ago.

I pulled the door open and my eyes widened as I took in Grayson's appearance; my cheeks reddened. He looked absolutely gorgeous. He's freshly shaved and he was dressed in a crisp new tux that made him look breathtaking.

"I-I.. I look like shit.." I blurted out as he smiled kindly at me.
"You look beautiful, but I do have a little something for you." He laughed, holding out a dress box towards me which I gasped at before taking gratefully and running upstairs to change.

The dress was amazing. It was blue glitter at the top that slowly faded to white at the bottom. As I slid it on, a smile graced my face. A perfect fit.

Not wanting to keep Grayson waiting, I simply let my hair down then applied undereye concealer and mascara. It wasn't ideal but I did the best that I could.

I quickly pulled on a simple pair of flats and made my way downstairs where Grayson watched me, his mouth hung open in what I assumed to be awe. Gently tapping his chin, he closed it and I smiled.
"So where we going?" I asked, following him out to his car that was polished and clean for once. It was strange to be in his car so clean, it felt like a completely different vehicle.

"It's a surprise princess." He winked, kissing my cheek before jogging over to his side and driving. I kept thinking of every possible place yet was left bewildered as we sped pass each one.

"Stop thinking of places because I can assure that you've never been here or heard of it for that matter so allow yourself to relax and be pleasantly surprised."

With a pout, I remained silent for the remaining 10 minutes of the journey and when we pulled up outside the building, I couldn't help but eye it skeptically. It didn't look like much, it was dark and dreary but Grayson seemed so excited that I forced a smile.
"Looks good!" I said with faux enthusiasm making my male company chuckle.
"It looks awful right now but once you're inside, it's better, I promise."

I nodded and decided to trust him as he took my hand and led me inside, and as soon as I was hit with the first glance my eyes widened.
"Wow.." I whispered, it was a cosy little restaurant decorated with roses and fairy lights and the scent homemade cooking wafted in the air.

"Grayson my darling!" An elderly woman cried, running over and kissing him on the cheek. "What are you doing here?"
"I decided to bring someone special for a meal grandma." He grinned, pulling me closer to his side. "This is Roz."

I smiled at her kindly and she returned the expression, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
"Oh dearie, you're a gorgeous girl, Grayson chose a good one." She smiled widely, nodding gently at Grayson who blushed, making me laugh fondly at him.

"Well, I was full tonight but I'll always find a table for you." She exclaimed, leading us to a small corner of the room that was absolutely perfect, it was intimate and cosy. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

"Is this Okay?" He asked nervously, pulling a seat out for me.
"It's perfect." I assured him, kissing his cheek before allowing him to push me in.
He then seated himself and before we could engage in a conversation, Grayson's grandma was at the table displaying a bottle of rose wine to us.
"Technically you're underage but you could just keep quiet." She winked, pouring us both a glass that I immediately took a sip out of.
"Thank you." I smiled as Grayson raised his glass to her.

"Now, I'm going to make you both Grayson's favourite and I know I've never met you befitting sweetheart but I've got a feeling that you'll like this one." She explained, rushing off to the kitchen making me turn back to Grayson.
"No I'm not telling you my favourite!" He laughed making me pout.
"But grayyy." I whined as he laughed.
"It's a surprise!" He sighed, holding his hands up in surrender.
"Fine." I sighed, engaging in conversation with him.

End of chapter!
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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