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I looked at my outfit, biting my lip as I stared at myself. I had on an off the shoulder jumper and leggings. I didn't for a moment think that I going to lose; I simply wore these clothes for comfort, and that's exactly what they provided.

The thought of seeing Grayson messed with me, my heart fluttered as he was extremely hot and if he wasn't such a d*ck then I would definitely have made a move by now but my blood also boiled just thinking of the cocky little smirk and snide comments he made. I would make sure he lost tonight if it was the last thing I did.

Grabbing my keys, I made my way to the kitchen where my mother was sleeping at the table, the laptop still open before her. I sighed. She usually overworked and fell asleep whilst doing it, and the worst part was that she got an awful wage that only just allowed us to struggle by. No one really knew about our home situation and hopefully no one will, I don't intend to be called "poor girl", I'd much prefer "new girl" any day.

I gently kissed her cheek before grabbing a pillow from the front room and gently sliding it under my mother's head. I wrote a note informing her of where I was going before jogging out to my car. It was a small, old banger but it was mine and I loved it so much. My mum had bought it me for my last birthday and I knew that she must've been saving for months to buy it, it meant a lot and I couldn't be disrespectful, even if I'd have hated it, I would've still pretended to have a slight interest in it.

Leaving the house, I drove down the street, finding In 'n' Out fairly quickly. I loved that place. I also saw the twins there, in a Ferrari, so now I knew that he was a d*ck and filthy rich.
Rolling my eyes, I got out of my car and walked up to theirs, knocking on the window so they knew I was there.
"Oh hey Rozaline, fancy seeing you here! I must say that you look a little different, new hairstyle?" He asked, smirking widely.

"Oh Grayson, fancy seeing you here! You know what? You also look a little different, ah I see, you've shrunk a couple of inches," I smirk back, sending a pointed look to his Crown Jewels.
"That's your fault babe." He winked, getting out and walking into the store beside me, us being followed by a couple of Grayson's "dedicated followers".

I slid into a booth and called a waiter over, ordering 30 burgers between us both. The waiter seemed flustered at the large order but ran off to tell the chef nonetheless.
As we waited, we stared. I stared at him. He stared at me. We stared at each other. The tension in the air was rising yet I refused to let it take over, I was going to win. I had to win. If I didn't, I may be risking a nip-slip.

Nobody said a word as we waited, they didn't want to distract either of us more than we were distracting each other. The only time we broke eye contact was when someone gasped as the mountain of burgers was placed on the table. I broke my gaze at the same time as him to look at the huge pile and my eyes widened. F*ck, I didn't expect there to be that many. Well I expected there to be 30 but I didn't expect it to look that much.

Luckily, Grayson shared the same expression so I knew it wouldn't be a landslide win for him. Gingerly, I picked up the first burger and he followed suit. Ethan then spilt the rest of the burgers we had an equal amount before telling us the rules, which was funny since I didn't recall him coming up with the idea.

So according to Ethan, we had 10 minutes to eat as many as we could and before the word "go" barely left his mouth, I was chowing down on the meaty goodness. Flavour exploded on my tastebuds and the sauce no doubt decorating my cheeks. Usually I'd be embarrassed by this but today I couldn't care less, I wanted to knock that egotistical jerk down a few notches.

I didn't waste my time looking at Grayson but I knew he'd be eating his at a good speed too and finally when Ethan told us to stop, I glanced at my plate, 4 left, that honestly wasn't bad, but I looked at Grayson's plate and my heart dropped, 2 left. The pig.

He smirked, standing as everyone cheered for him.
"Well princess, would you look at that! I won again! Give up now before you embarrass yourself."
"Ah you see Dolan. I beat you in your pride and joy, football, so sure beat me at all these things but I'll always beat you on the field." I smile.
"Well darling, that's just not true. At practise tomorrow, both of us, head-to-head, anyway, you're forgetting something, my prize." He winked as I rolled my eyes, taking my bra off and handing it to him.
"Don't jack off to it too much." I winked, as I strutted off, hearing all the guys crowd around Grayson asking if they can touch or smell it, freaks.

Before I got in my car however, I was stopped by Ethan who leant against my car, "How was it losing Roz?" He laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"You know what Ethan? It felt fantastic! I don't know why I haven't tried to do it more often, I could literally feel like this all the time and it'd be perfect. I can't wait to make myself lose again!" I exclaimed as Ethan stared at me blankly with a hint of confusion- can he seriously be that stupid.

"It's called sarcasm Ethan." And with that, I drove home."

End of chapter!
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