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I laid on my bed, my head was on Grayson's chest and I was messing around with Snapchat filters while Grayson watched me, an amused smirk present on his face.

He had come over earlier and surprisingly, my mum had let Grayson in with no problems, even offering that he can stay the night if he wanted. This was very strange for my mother but I was also secretly hoping that he'd accept the offer. He did and although I was excited, I was actually also rather nervous.

His fingers gently raked through my hair and my eyes fluttered shut in contentment. Slowly, my phone was removed from my hands and I didn't think anything of it until I heard the camera sound my eyes snapped open, staring at Grayson in shock.
"What did you do that for?" I demanded as he chuckled at me before shrugging.
"You looked cute."

I blushed at the simple compliment and smiled as he pressed his soft lips to mine. It was slow and gentle and everything I wanted. It was perfect.

Slowly, he pulled away, staring in my eyes with such intensity which made me slightly breathless.
"Are you okay babe? You seem a little flustered..." he smirked, gently brushing the hair from my face while simultaneously brushing the hair from my face.
"I... I'm f-fine..." I stuttered, wincing at my own weakness as he smiled genuinely and kissed my forehead.
"I'll take your word for it." He winked, leaning down to kiss me again.

This time however, it was interrupted when Ethan crashed into my room, his eyes widening as he absorbed what was before him. Once it had registered, he frowned.

"Well I came over to ask if you wanted to get ice cream or something but seems like you're busy." He almost spat.
"We can all get ice cream," I tried to compromise, as he shook his head in agitation.
"No it's fine, I wanted to go with my best friend, I don't want to third wheel." He mumbled, exiting quickly and running down the stairs.

With a groan, I told Grayson that I'd be back soon and sprinted after him, jumping on his back and effectively getting him to the floor.
"Fuck, Roz, why would you do that?" He demanded as I smiled sheepishly.
"It was the only thing I could think of..." I admitted as his lips tugged slightly upwards but didn't quite make a smile.

"Look, I'm happy if you're happy but I don't want to lose you as my friend. You're the only person I've really connected with at school besides Grayson and I've really appreciated everything you've done for me. I don't want that to change just because you're dating my twin." He told me truthfully as I sighed.

"Don't be ridiculous Ethan! You're always gonna be my best friend, I hate people who ditch their best friends for relationships. How about tomorrow, we go to Debbie's diner for fries and shakes?" I suggested, already getting excited for the huge shakes that Debbie's served.

"That sounds amazing." He agreed, a relieved smile dancing across his features, "and don't even think about bringing money with you, this is my treat." He smiled as I shrugged, not bothering to argue- getting a free milkshake is just as good as a birthday present and I love presents.

"Right, I'll let you get back to your soppy as shit night and I'll see you tomorrow amigo!" Ethan grinned, before showing himself out as I returned to Grayson.
"Took your time." He stated as I walked in allowing me to simply shrug. There was no accusation in his voice, he just had a habit of bluntly stating facts that he felt needed to be said. I didn't really need to respond to them but I always gave a sign of acknowledgement when he announced things like that.

Sitting on his lap, I watched tv. I can't say that I didn't get distracted by Grayson though. He wasn't trying to distract me, in fact he was absorbed in the show. Just his face distracted me with each perfect contour of it. I couldn't quite believe that he was almost mine.

"Are you gonna watch this or carry on staring at me like I'm the most attractive thing you've ever seen. I mean I probably am, but let's not boost my ego any more right?" He winked causing me to flush at the realisation that I'd been caught. What made it worse was that he didn't even have to look at me to know, I was simply making it that obvious.

"Shut up." I mumbled lamely in reply, pouting as I rested my head on his incredibly hard chest. Honestly, a brick wall would've probably have been more comfortable.

"You're so cute!" He laughed, stroking my hair and kissing my shoulder lightly before gently biting it.
"Yeah course I am! A football-playing tomboy is 'cute'... doesn't really work Grayson." I shrugged, sighing as I glanced at my football trophies.

Suddenly, he was hovering over me, gently pinning my arms to the side of me.
"Baby girl, you are what I say you are, okay?" He rasped, a slight smirk playing his lips which made the whole thing even more sensual.

"Okay..." I whispered breathlessly before he simply hopped off and went back to acting as if nothing had happened.

But something had definitely happened and it left me strongly affected.

End of chapter!
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