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"Congrats Roz!" Ethan smiled, hugging my sweaty self as I jogged off the field, completely exhausted due to playing so hard.
"Thanks," I smiled, gulping down a bottle of water whilst wiping the sweat off of my forehead.
"The best thing is you can celebrate tomorrow!" Ethan smiled as I shrugged, if I was being completely honest, I had forgotten about the party and I'd be lying if I said I didn't get excited.

"You won this time but you won't win again." Grayson muttered, gripping me by the hips and pulling me towards him. His abs pressed against my stomach and his lips were only centimetres from mine, moving closer and closer causing my eyes to flutter shut, but I was waiting too long. Slowly, I reopened them to see him smirking down at me, his eyebrows raised.
"Expecting something?" He mused as I rolled my eyes with a huff.
"No." I mumbled, quickly pulling his large hands off of me and walking away quickly.

"You like him." Ethan stared, causing me to took my eyes at him.
"No I don't."
"Then why did you act as if he was going to kiss you and you were going to kiss back?" He asked, one eyebrow raised as he inspected it.
"Well, it doesn't even matter, he's still an ass!" I exclaimed as Ethan laughed, lifting me up and spinning me.
"My best friend has a crush!" He teased, putting me down and pinching both of my cheeks.

"Hey! Get off!" I complained, swatting his hands away as he smirked.
"Don't worry, I'm a great wingman."
"I don't need a wingman, I'm not gonna date him." I said as he gave me a look as if to say he knew better, he definitely didn't.

"Hey! Pizza at ours tonight to celebrate Roz's win and Gray's defeat!" Ethan hollered as all the boys all cheered and chanted gruff anthems. I shook my head with a smile as I went back to the changing room to shower.

I had to admit that Ethan had been a great friend so far and I could see why he didn't get on so well with the team, they were a lot more boisterous whilst he was more reserved and didn't play girls.

After showering, I quickly dried, before reaching for my clothes, the only thing there was my underwear. That d*ck.

Quickly pulling on my underwear, I searched around the changing room to see if he'd hidden it anywhere in there, nothing. He'd freaking took them with him. Well, if he wanted to see me in my underwear then that's what he'd get, the others however, were not going to see me like that. Therefore, I waited until I was sure all the boys had left, before sneaking in.

As predicted, he was sat on the bench, on his phone, with my clothes beside him and a smirk on his face.
"Give me them back little d*ck." I ordered as he stood with a smirk, his eyes scanning my whole body.
"Not bad Rozaline." He teased, holding my clothes above his head.
"Grayson Bailey Dolan! I'm not playing, give them back." I jumped for them but instantly regretted it when his eyes travelled to my chest.

Fine, if that's what he likes, that's what he can think he's going to get. Changing my demeanour, I smiled, gently tugging his arm and leading him to the bench. Pressing on his shoulders, he sat and I straddled his lap, quickly snatching my clothes before he could comprehend the situation.

"Thanks Gray!" I smirked, pulling my clothes on as he mouth hung open.
"I was only playing along because I thought you wanted it..." He mumbled as I laughed.
"Sure you did."

I quickly walked out to Ethan who frowned at me as I exited from the boys' changing room.
"What was you doing in there? Please don't say you two f*cked because as much as I'm supporting you, it's a gross place to do it and you could probably catch an STD." He said as I instantly scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Gosh chill dude, the idiot stole my clothes apart from my underwear while I was showering so I just took them back." I explained, now come on, I wanna eat pizza!"


The guys and I were lounging about on the sofas in the twins' bedroom as some played video games. I actually enjoyed their company because I already felt welcomed by them and I didn't have to worry what I looked like because I know they didn't care. They were friends.

"Hey Roz, play against me." Grayson suddenly said, standing as I didn't hesitate to follow his lead.
"What game?" I asked, watching him as he put a different game in.
"Just dance." He smirked.

I shrugged, I didn't have a game console at home so he already had an advantage, and I also remembered Ethan telling me how they both used to have dancing lessons so it was likely that he'd be able to execute the moves more accurately but I was willing to try.

He chose the song What Makes you Beautiful by One Direction and as soon as the music began to play, I started copying the people on the screen. While I was dancing, I had forgotten that it was keeping a score of us both and I was simply having fun. I had to admit that Grayson was a great dancer but it also seemed that he was also having fun rather than trying to win and it felt great. There was no pressure and we were just being goofy.

By the end of the song, I was breathless and the happiest I'd been in a while. Then I watched the screen, ready to find whether I'd beaten Grayson or not. As the scores went up I held my breath until the winner was announced.

... Roz wins!

I squealed in excitement as Grayson huffed in annoyance, "She cheated."
"How can I cheat on a dance game?" I laughed as the other boys started joking about Grayson been a sore loser.

They weren't wrong...

End of chapter!
Party next chapter! What will happen?
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