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Keeping my head up, I ignored the whispering and glances that were thrown my way as I walked down the corridor. These people really had nothing better to talk about than Grayson beating me at eating; it's not even an accomplishment. As I tied my hair up, I managed to crash into one of the jocks, falling back into a pair of strong arms.

Looking up, I saw myself staring into the hypnotising eyes of Grayson Dolan. Only now did I realise that his eyes were a mesmerising green with small specks of brown. I was speechless as Grayson smirked at me, enjoying the fact that I was checking him out. Let's face it though, who wouldn't?

"Ah, you've finally realised that I'm perfect now so you're falling for me?" He chuckled as my cheeks tinted red.
"As if Dolan, like I've said before, your d*ck is far too small."
Raising his eyebrow, he cupped my cheek, leaning closer, "How would you know? You're a virgin remember?"
His lips brushed mine and I forced myself to keep my eyes open, "Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean that I know nothing about sex." I commented, rolling my eyes and pushing him away.

"Remember our competition tonight! Most touchdowns win!" I call as I quickly escaped the situation. I could hear his laughter behind me and I rolled my eyes, angrily getting to class.
"How did it feel losing to Grayson Dolan? Everyone knew you would, some people think that you're using it as a reason to get into his pants." A girl with huge blonde curls said, crossing her slim arms and raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.
"I'm sorry but who are you? One of his wannabe girlfriends?" I asked as she smirked.
"Actually I'm Ethan's girlfriend, Meredith and I happen to know that Grayson has his eyes on someone and it's not you, so stop being selfish and step back, okay?"
"Oh honey, if you think this is flirting then I think you really need to step up your game." I chuckled, putting my earphones in to block out whatever else she had to say.

Halfway through listening to Gorgeous by Taylor Swift, Grayson walked in, very fitting.
His eyes skimmed the room until they landed on me, a large smile graced his face and he sauntered over, sitting himself on the desk beside me.
"Wow, Rozaline! You're in this class? Great!" He laughed, making me want to punch him, so I did. I punched him in the arm with all my force.
"Was that supposed to hurt or was that like a friendly punch?" Grayson asked, amusement illuminating his eyes as I could feel embarrassment set in. Instead of responding, I remained silent, he didn't deserve my breath.
"Well then princess, remind me to never suggest a boxing match to determine who's best. You'd never win that. Besides, we don't want to ruin your pretty little face." He winked as I scowled at him.
"F*ck you Dolan."
"You can any time."

"Rozaline Sanchez! Care to tell everyone what's so interesting that it's disrupting our lesson?" Our teacher, Mr Garner asked, eyebrows raised. I shook my head. Mr Garner was one of my favourite teachers, he was effortlessly cool and rarely got mad, he was however, particularly fond of the twins. He got on so well with them it was as though they were best friends.

"Well, make sure it doesn't happen again, and since you did disrupt the lesson, you can answer the question. Should Romeo have killed himself in the moment that he saw Juliet?"
I say up straighter, this was something I thought strongly about and I wasn't going to let anyone tell me I was wrong.
"I don't think he should have at all. They were both so young that it was impossible for them to tell that they were in love. Besides, she wasn't even truly dead, if he'd have waited a moment then he would've seen that she was still breathing. Even if she was dead though, he still had much more to live for, including his family and friends, Juliet was the enemy, not his world." I ranted as someone spoke up, saying only two words that angered me.

"You're wrong." Grayson freaking Dolan, again!
"No one knows what the both of them felt, so no one can say that they weren't in love. Romeo was probably caught up in the moment and he thought he was going to be with Juliet this way. It's an action of true love."
"More like an action of true stupidity." I muttered as Mr Garner watched the both of us with a grin.
"You know, I hate to say, but Roz definitely had more relevant arguments there Gray."
Turning to the boy who tried to prove me wrong, I winked.
"Better luck next time Dolan."

With a shrug, he turned away, acting as though he didn't care to everyone. I saw his eyes though, they blazed with annoyance and I couldn't help but laugh at this. I was triumphant. "Aww don't cry Gray! You can't help that your views are wrong." I taunted as he gripped my arm harshly, tugging me closer to him roughly and staring at me furiously.
"Shut up, you don't know anything about me." He mumbled, each word laced with venom, scaring me.

Once he let go I quickly scooted my seat as far away from him as I could get it, gently rubbing my wrist that was now red from his tight grip. I could see him watching me from the corner of his eyes yet it didn't seem to make him apologise. What happened to the playful Grayson? I was acting the same way that I had been doing the whole time so I couldn't understand why he suddenly got so mad at this.

"Whatever then." I whispered, keeping my head down when I realised that everyone had become silent once they heard Grayson's outburst.

The downside of trying to beat the most popular guy in school.

End of chapter!
I think I'm going to make a playlist on my Spotify for this book!
I'll add songs as each new chapter comes out!
My Spotify is dolanlovingg
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