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"Roz, put your purse back. I've already told you that it's my treat!" Ethan groaned as I shrugged stubbornly, closing the zip of my bag where my purse was safely located. I know I hadn't objected when he first said that he'd pay but I knew that I'd feel guilty if I let him pay for it all. My plan was to do it without him seeing but unfortunately he didn't miss a thing.

"I'll pay for the fries!" I argued but he continued to stare at me heatedly, making me roll my eyes.
"Fine. I won't pay, I'll take my purse just in case though!" I huffed as he raised his eyebrow at me.

I smiled, happy that I'd happily won Ethan for once.
"I'm just getting my shoes!" I informed him, running upstairs to pull on a pair of sneakers before rejoining him downstairs to get in his truck.

Since befriending him, I'd learnt to love Ethan's truck, it was spacious and comfortable and had a huge back where we could watch the stars. I'd even had the honours of choosing her name- Daisy. I can't say Ethan approved of the name at first but now, I know that he wouldn't be able to call her anything else.

Climbing into the passenger seat, I allowed a calm smile to settle on my lips. This was familiar and I finally realised that I had actually missed spending time with Ethan, which made me feel extremely guilty that I'd been blowing him off for Grayson.

"Music?" He asked, passing me the aux cord which I happily plugged into my phone, singing along as my favourite songs blasted in the car.
Luckily, Ethan and I both had the same taste in music and therefore he didn't care about which song came on next as he knew that he'd like it whether he'd heard it before or not.

The drive was short though and I soon found myself clamouring out of Ethan's truck and slowly getting drawn to the doors of the diner- the milkshakes were calling me. Thankfully, Ethan was quickly by my side and I wasted no time in rushing in and choosing our regular booth in the corner away from everyone else. It gave us a chance to talk without anyone listening in and it was away from the windows. There was nothing I hated more than having people stare at you through windows while you try and eat or drink.

"What flavour milkshake? Banana split? New York cheesecake? Or maybe, let me think, double chocolate cookie?" He laughed as my eyes lit up at the mention of my favourite milkshake flavour.
"You know me too well!" I smiled, running my hand through my hair as he shook his head with a chuckle, going over to the counter to order our drinks and fries.

"Debbie still asks every time of we're dating." He chuckled, shaking his head as I laughed along, stopping when he looked at me deadly serious.
"Honestly Roz, at first, I really did like you but I saw the way you looked at Grayson and I knew that I'd never be able to get you to look at me like that and now, I don't think I could like you like that again, just know that I'm happy if you are."

My eyes widened at his words and I bit my lip softly.
"I don't think Grayson likes me, I think he likes what he can do with me... but I think I love him so I'm letting him do whatever he wants to do. I just don't think that he returns the feelings but he knows mine and is taking advantage of them." I confessed as Ethan stared at me hard before sighing, running a hand down his face.

"Look, I shouldn't tell you this but Grayson hides his feelings when it comes to girls. He likes to sleep with them straight away then get rid of them as quickly as possible. With you, he hasn't done that... has he?" He suddenly asked, searching my eyes.
"No, no!" I quickly assured as he relaxed.
"See, that's okay, he hasn't rushed with you and has took it slow. He likes you Roz, he's just not showing it." He told me, making me instantly calm down and feel less worried about my feelings towards Grayson.

Thankfully, our food and milkshakes arrived and I was more than happy to end our conversation so I could unattractively stuff my face like the pig I am.

"Calm down Roz," Ethan laughed as I rolled my eyes at him, ignoring his comment and continuing to eat as eager as before.

"I've missed these milkshakes so much!" I practically moaned, savouring the moment, as Ethan laughed.
"Maybe I should warn Grayson that he's competing with a milkshake." He joked as I shrugged.
"It wouldn't be a lie!"

"Right." I'm going to buy us some bubblegum since you paid for these." I announced, reaching into my bag, my eyes widening in panic when I realised that my purse wasn't there. "Crap.. crap... I lost my purse!" I panicked as Ethan watched me with an amused smirk.
"It's not funny, you douche!" I exclaimed, hitting his chest as he held his hands up.
"Hey... no need for violence, you haven't lost your purse at all. I took it back out of your bag when you went to get your shoes on." He laughed as I poured, crossing my eyes.
"Well it wasn't funny." I muttered as he simply laughed again.

"Being as though one of us doesn't have any money, how about I give you 2 quarters to buy us some bubblegum?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes, holding my hand out and muttering a quiet thanks as I went to get us our usual 3 gumballs.

As I made my way over though, I found myself getting distracted my Ethan's words.
Grayson likes me!

End of chapter!
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