Chapter 12

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Mum didn't even notice I had left...
She was still sleeping on the sofa, the bottle of wine once in her hand, now on the floor and leaking out drops of red onto the light brown carpet.
Good thing it was already stained...

Heading off to my room I got into my pyjamas. That's when I heard a strange noise...almost like scratching. I thought nothing of it though, it was probably the neighbours dog or something.
Switching off my light I crawled into bed and curled up under the Duvet.

The scratching continued, causing me to toss and turn in bed. It almost sounded like it was coming from in the walls...the ceiling...the walls again.

Where was it coming from?

I kept myself under the Duvet as I kept my eyes shut.
That's when i heard it was coming from my door now.
The pawing and the scratching and what sounded like someone trying to quietly catch their breath.

I peeked from my blankets towards my door. I watched as the knob began to twitch and wobble. I covered my head as I saw the door open.

Maybe it was Mum trying to check on me?

It's best to pretend I'm asleep. Letting my breath become shallow I listened for more noises. I didn't hear anything. Silence. But my door was wide open.


I moved my blankets off my head and looked around. Nothing to my left, and nothing to my right...of course I had a massive blind spot on my right but that wasn't an issue. I was always able to see perfectly.
She must have just checked on me and forgot to close it.

I rolled over, finally closing my eyes and starting to drift off...

Moments later I woke up in a cold sweat. My body was stiff and unmoving.
I couldn't move anything...opening my mouth to yell for help I couldn't make any sound. I was only able to move my eyes, which didn't help because I was half blind.

I heard something moving and panting, coming closer to me. I struggled to see what it was through the dark in my room.

Whatever it was it was massive. A tall thin shadow came from the foot of my bed, crawling its way towards me. It almost looked like a girl...or maybe a dog?
I watched as it climbed on me and sat there.

I couldn't move it off. I couldn't move at all.

The shadow was heavy, it's weight pressing into my torso and chest as it sat there with glowing red eyes. I wanted to scream, to shout, to do something but I couldn't.

I watched in horror as the shadow held me down and opened its wide jaw barked at me. It was a low, growl more like but it barked at me. She barked at me.
Instant fear struck through my body enough to actually make me scream.

As my throat burned with my loud terrified scream the shadow lifted its head up, admitting a terrible hallow howl that shook every bit of my fear. And just like that, she was gone.

I sat straight up in bed as soon as mum ran in.
I was hot and covered in cold sweat.

I jumped out and hugged her tightly. My throat hurting and tears streaming down my face, I began trying my best to ramble whatever just happened to me.
Lifting me up to hold me I wrapped her arms around her tightly for security and comfort.
"I'm here doll. I'm here. It's okay. You're alright, Mummy's here... I'm here."

She whispered and held onto me, swaying from side to side like she use to when I was little. I could always count on her to make me feel better.

I hicked my breath and cried on her sholder as she held me close and shushed me.

"Mummy don't let her get me!"

"You're alright love I promise. Nobody's gonna get you loves. Shh sh's alright. Only a bad dream ok. I'm here. I'm here."
She walked me back to her room and gently put me down in her bed. It smelt of cigarette smoke and dust.
Mum hardly ever slept in her own bed for some reason, and she never aloud anyone to go into her room, unless it was me.
She pulled the Duvet back and crawled in bed, patting the beside her.
"Come cuddle lov."

I moved under the duvet with her, letting her wrap her long arms around her. She stroked the top of my head softly as she hummed an unfamiliar song to me. It was nice and soothing...

Mum was...unstable. Stubborn and can be scary sometimes. But I know she loves me with all her heart and she was always gonna be there for me. Always.
She was my mum...and I'll forever be her little girl. Her favourite. Her one and only.

"I love yew mum..."

// Sorry I haven't been really doing much... I've been really, really busy with school and stuff... sorry I'll try and update and stuff as much as I can but I'm not make any promises...that I'll be on time. //

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