Chapter 17

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When i started to come to. I heard yelling...but i didn't want to open my eyes.

It didn't smell like home...this sofa didn't even feel like mine either. But the voices...sounded strangely familiar. I listened to them as i stayed on the sofa with my eyes closed.

" 'i wasn' your fault Noodz. It was mine! I pushed yew too hard!"
I familiar cockney voice squeaked.

There was then foreign shouting...was that Chinese? Japanese? It sounded really familiar too.

I listened in as I began drifting both in and out of consciousness.

I began dreaming about the voices with people that looked...familiar as well.
It was a strange dream.
I was sitting on a chair made of phone books at a table as I heard chatting continue on. But the words sounded like gibbered nonsense and the sentences didn't make sense.

These people looked really familiar.
Where do I know them from? A memory?
A dream...were they my mum's old mates?

I listened into the conversation more as I looked at what was a plate of spaghetti in front of me.

"It's not your fault! 's nobody's fault! Just shush please! You're upsetting her!"
I could hear Dawns voice shouting as the group began chatting before what sounded like an accent speak out again.

"All of dis wouldn' of 'appened 'f Mudz didn't pressure 'er up dere!"
I heard a familiar cockney accent say.

"Oh so now It's MY FAULT? Well fuck you! It's not my fault she was there in the first place!"

They continued to bicker and argue at each other.
Who were they all talking about? This all felt too familiar.

I spoke a bit in my dreams along with them...but I wasn't able to get much out. It was like I didn't know how to talk or how to say anything between gibberish. The only thing i was able to get out was a faint. 'Im here.'

They continued to bicker and argue which made me yell out more.

"I'm here!"

I shouted at them in my dream as they argued. I felt myself begin to tear up.

"I'm here! Im here! Im here! IM HERE!"

I began to shout more and more as they argued.
I then felt a soft hand on my head...calming me from my sleep state.
The voice of Dawn shushes me softly. I began to go back to sleep as I felt her hand.

"You're okay, you're okay. Shhhhh...its alright."

There was silence...then there was the sound of someone slamming a door.

I felt Dawns hand leave me as i heard her shout again.

"My CAR!"

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