A Picture of You

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(c/y/t/v) = country you want to visit
(y/e/c) = your eye colour
(y/h/c) = your home country
(y/n) = your name

"Now, where should I go first?"

This month of April is the time you and your family are going to have after-school vacation . All of you planned to travel outside the country and stay there for 4 weeks. However, there are so many countries you all wanted to visit. At first, Paris came into mind. But considering the expenses of the trip and other things, all of you moved to another option: the (c/y/t/v). Still, preparing the documents needed would take time since the schedule is tight. It was then decided that all of you go to the place where beautiful cherry blossoms fall from trees - Japan.

And that's where you are right now. Strolling down the peaceful street with a DSLR camera on hand. Today's weather is great for taking pictures so, you planned to explore the neighborhood where your relatives lived. Your eyes searched for moments to capture. The koi fishes greeted you as they swam through the clear waters. The toasty golden rays of sunshine welcomed you as you visit different places. Thanks to them, you and your family are now enjoying what Japan has to offer you. 

Later on, you stopped near a long wooden bridge that connects to the mountain where the shrine stands. Several pictures of the quiet nature were taken. Then, you breathed in some of the fresh air and relaxed yourself as you watched the waters move, the wind rustle the tree's foliage, and the clouds walking on the sky. This is rewarding for you after all the arduous work and stress you had to deal at school. Teachers have been pressuring you to do better at the last quarter because they wanted you to accomplish something great. As you leaned beside the post, everything regarding school did not bothered you. You let nature bring you where you're supposed to be.

Some time later, you decided to take some pictures around the area and pay the shrine a visit. You stood on the middle of the bridge and began capturing photos. When you positioned the camera, someone entered the scenery. He has this orange spiky hair, amber eyes, and a warm smile. The guy is looking towards the river as he walked down the street and carried a plastic bag with groceries. You did not notice him as you were focusing on the scenery. But when you clicked the shutter button, you realized he is on the picture you had taken. 

You looked at him. You watched as he go. You could not take your eyes off him.

"He's," you whispered to yourself. "He's handsome." 

You slowly put your arms down from its position. Your (y/e/c) eyes followed him until he is near the post you marked your stop earlier. And, you noticed something peculiar. In your observation, you saw him talking. But, there is no one with him. Maybe he is thinking out loud or memorizing something, you are not sure. Then, you saw another strange thing as they are coming close to the post. A small white thing came out from his red hood. It was clinging onto his shoulder. The strange part of it is not that it pops out. It was the fact that the thing was moving. And you heard it make a cute barking sound.

"It's barking?!", you were surprised by it. "That little thing is a puppy?!" You could not believe it. Even though you saw it personally, it is still surreal for you. For a moment, you thought that the thing might be a toy. But, you cannot come to a conclusion as you continue to observe it. There comes your curiosity poking you.

When they were at the post, they halted and communicated with each other. There are no strings attached nor anything that determines it is a robot. So, you assumed that the little thing is a creature that can understand humans. In response, it moved his head and produced a cute barking sound. Because of it, you squealed internally. It was just so cute!

Suddenly, the thought of capturing that moment came to you. You held out your camera and focused it on them. All elements fell into place. The background is beautiful, the rules of third was applied, positioning is right, and the resolution is clear. Hurriedly, you snapped a photo of it and produced a wonderful masterpiece. The picture became one of the best photos you took. But, the guy heard the sound of the camera and turned around to see you standing on the bridge. By the time your eyes met his, you blushed and your eyes widened. You are no longer invisible to him. 

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