Breakfast Plus Dessert

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A/N: (y/n) = your name

It was Friday when Tsukiyo invited you to have a sleepover throughout the weekend. If you have time, she wanted you to come and help her out in her assignments and projects she needed to submit next week. She could have asked her brother to but, you knew he is currently busy with the club work at your school. So, you agreed. At that same day, you stayed at their cosy home. You and Tazuki's little sister had loads of fun procrastinating and playing games. Still, you completed some of the work along the way.

Morning came and you woke up yawning. It was 3 in the morning when you and Tsukiyo decided to get some rest. You would like to extend your sleep until there is someone tapping your finger. At first, you thought that he was bothered by your snoring or how you slept. But, it was something else.

The little red creature demands breakfast from you.

It's not surprising, though. Whenever you visit them, he always seek for your offering before continuing to trespass his sanctuary. Ever since you made Conny delicious sushis, he always look forward to your cooking. That's why he wants another set from you for this morning.

From that, you and Tsukiyo decided to make breakfast.  After washing yourselves up and fixing the beddings, both of you head to the kitchen and prepared the ingredients needed for today's menu.

You are going to make, of course, Conny's sushis and banana pancakes while Tsukiyo will make the miso soup and the rice. But then, she wanted you to teach her how to cook the pancakes so she could make one sometimes. Hence, you showed her how to prepare and cook when you two finished with the soup and sushis.

While Tsukiyo is frying the first batch, the little oni child leapt inside the kitchen and landed safely on the table. He stood beside the ingredients and watched you and Tsukiyo cook. Later on, you turned around to prepare the bananas and walnuts for the toppings, you caught a glimpse of Conny eating a piece of sushi you made.

"Hey Cony," you smiled at him. "Do you like the sushi I made?"

After munching on the whole sushi, he gave you his signature thumbs-up and grabbed another piece to eat. He must have been very hungry. So, you got him a saucer of three maki sushis for him and a cup of water fit for the little creature. Seeing him enjoying your sushis made you very pleased with your cooking.

Moments later, Tazuki came in and greeted you, Tsukiyo, and Conny. "Ohayo, Tazuki-kun!", you and Tsukiyo simultaneously said. You were about to check on Tsukiyo when he went towards you and fixed the tying of your apron. Then, he turned you a 180 degrees to him and fixed your messy hair. You blusehd and looked down to your feet avoiding his eye contact with you.

"Hey," he said. "Don't look down. It's gonna ruin your hair."

"Why you became considerate of my hair suddenly?", you inquired.

Tazuki scratched his pinky cheek and gazed elsewhere. "It's," he began trying to put his thoughts into words. But, he dismissed it. "It's... nothing. Your hair is not neatly tied up that's all. You can't cook like that, (y/n)."

"I know," you giggled. Then, you touched his cheeks and pressed your lips on the other leaving him red all over. Quite sly you are. "Thanks, Tazuki-kun."

He cocked his head to the side to let his long fringe cover his face. But, it was of no use. "I-it's early for that," he hemmed. "Let's eat breakfast fir-"

"Then what comes next, Onii-chan?", his little sister smirked. "Have a sweet dessert from her after?"

"Tsu-Tsukiyo!", you simultaneously expressed. It just made her tittered in pleasure. She is really shipping you two.

Everyday With You (Miira no Kaikata One-Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora