New Beginning

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(Y/n) = your name
(Y/c/d) = your country's dish or specialty [for example, here in the Philippines, Adobong Chicken {Chicken Stew} and Sinigang na Baboy {Pork in Sour Broth}]
(Y/b/f/n) = your bestfriend's name
(Y/f/c) = your favourite colour
(Y/l/n) = your last name
(Y/f/n) = your first name
(Y/w/p/f/2019) = your wish/prayer for 2019 (at least one would do ^^)


December 31, 11:00 pm

When the clock strikes 12, the magic of 2018 will be gone.

Kind of not surprising to think that time passes by quickly. Everything is moving fast. All ends without ourselves realizing it.

You will definitely miss the fun times you have last year. Though there were gloomy moments, it will remain in your huge library of memories. Because some of them taught of you new things and few reminded you important stuff.

While waiting for the food to be cooked, you quietly sat on your bed then reminisced on those memories. A minute later, you were giggling on silly moments you had with your best buddies. Some time after, you were silent when you remembered some serious scenarios. Finally, you reached the point of sighing. Somehow, you realized that there were missed opportunities. And you found out that, although there were new things, you are still looking for some excitement and adventure. Something amazing. The kind where you cannot explain it in your words.

That is one of the millions of wishes you have for the upcoming year.

Don't worry. Your wish will come true. I believe this 2019 can grant you this.

Just wait and see. And, believe.

"(Y/n)-chan! (Y/n)-chan!", a familiar female voice interrupted your train of thoughts. After hearing the booming footsteps approaching your room, you groaned. Quiet time is all you need right now before you say farewell to the year you have to leave. Plus, to mentally prepare you for the rollercoaster of imminent events waiting for you to climb aboard on. I do not have to explain it fully, right?

So, immediately, you hid beneath the covers of your bed knowing what will happen next.

"(Y/n)-chaaaaaaan!", the voice shouted as the door opened. In a fraction of time, you braced yourself from the present your best friend brought for you.

"Bestie!!", she plunged on you. Earning her your moan of pain. You pushed her off from the bed and sat up irritated. But she just laughed it off. "Let me sleep," you lied down again. "So I have energy to eat later. There will be grilled chicken, baked macaroni, spaghetti, and (y/c/d)."

"Oh I see. But sorry I will not allow you to!" She jumped on you again with her arms wrapping around your neck. With her strong leap, you yelped in pain. "Why do I have to suffer like this?!"

"You cannot sleep now cause' I have something special for you. And you're going to love it!"

You sighed. Your sleepy eyes tried to keep it open despite its want to get some rest. (Y/b/f/n) swiftly rummaged through her stuff and removed a long cloth of fine (y/f/c) fabric. Then, she pulled out a charming weeping cherry blossom kanzashi hairpin decorated with two small butterflies in it. After that, a small pouch with a fan poking out of it.

While she's at it, you furrowed your brows. That was to cover up, ahem, your interest. Your eyes were twinkling, awoken by what it had witnessed. Curiosity heightens and so is your anticipation. You asked simply yet with an annoyed tune, "Dude, what are these for?"

She grinned widely and revealed to you the lovely design of the cloth. It is a cotton kimono adorned with little cherry blossoms at the end and big ones as a background on it. She also showed you a plain red obi with a yellow string sewn to it. Upon seeing the outfit, your eyes sparkled! You haven't worn any one of these before. Not even when you were a tourist back then. Oh how excited you are! Bubbles of glee bursts inside of you. You cannot help but to reveal this happiness to her. With that reaction, she giggled and insisted you to put it on. Right now.

Everyday With You (Miira no Kaikata One-Shots)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum