
912 27 14


(Y/n) = your name
(Y/p/n) = your pet's name


"Conny," the blue-haired teenager confronted the little red oni child with a stern look on his face. "How many times do I have to tell you not to go out when it's raining?"

But, the creature did not reply. He simply stared at him and sniffed back the gooey thing which is about to fall from his nose.

By the time Tazuki entered his room from an errand, he saw Conny standing still on the center table. Since it is raining outside and the room is a bit chilly, he is shivering! Poor little one. When he arrived earlier, he cannot stop sneezing and wiping his nose. So, he looked for ways to cover his condition. He knew that he will be scolded just like now for going out in the rain today. Even though Tazuki told him not to. Therefore, Conny quickly rolled under the pillow to dry himself up. But, it is still no use. He found out.

"If you're not gonna listen," he picked Conny up. "You'll continue to have that cold of yours."

Tazuki set him on his study table and watched him if he is gonna make his usual reactions. However, there was none.

He crossed his arms and sighed. Because for sure, reprimanding him will not work. Hence, he thought of something else that would make Conny not do it again.

In the midst of his pondering, Sora, or 'Kashiwagi' as he call sometimes, advised him to be nicer and gentler in talking to Conny regarding these kind of things. But, of course that style does not fit him. It is also difficult for him to do it that way. We all know his personality, right? So, he left Conny at the table and went to the bathroom for shower.

Conny lied down on the table and closed his eyes. As he was about to completely doze off, suddenly a very strange sound resonated throughout the whole room. It startled him. He instantly rose up. But, the sound is not the crashing of a scary thunder. It is also not any spine-tingling noises we know of.


The sound came from the bathroom.

Even though the cascading water reduced the loudness of it, the sound echoed. Conny can hear it loud and clear.

"That sound," Conny thought. "It's not the water."


"That's... that's Tazuki!"

For the first time, he had heard Tazuki sneezed. And for multiple times.

After some thought, he realized that Tazuki has a similar cold like him.

Still, Conny went back to his sleep. He closed his eyes and snored. While battling his cold, he thought of Tazuki. He wondered how the person who loved and cared for him deeply got the cold. So many thoughts came into his mind.

But there is only one that gave him peace.

Hm. What could it be?


As the sun dawned, Conny went out from the room carefully not to wake Tazuki up. He leapt through the neighborhood once his foot touched the branch tapping on the room's windowsill.

What could he be up to this early? For almost the whole day, he was out.

Tazuki did not look for him. He knew that Conny will come back soon after gathering herbs and mushrooms he liked. But of course, his consicence bothered him much. His worry grew as the time Conny was not home for two days might happen again. He asked Tsukiyo where Conny is but his little sister does not know. After that, he called you to ask the same question.

Everyday With You (Miira no Kaikata One-Shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora