Under the Umbrella

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(y/n) = your name
(bf/n) = best friend's name

After the whole earth perished from the heat, the skies are blanketed by dark gloomy clouds. The heavens cried for its suffering. Its tears poured across the region sorrowfully. Everyone, wherever they are, can hear the melancholic lament playing beautifully. While these things happened, you and Sora watched each tears tapping on the windows of your classroom.

Since it's raining and time to go home, Sora rummaged through his bag for his umbrella. But alas! He forgot to bring it with him. And that's where you came in to his rescue. "Don't worry," you smiled at him. You pulled out a folding umbrella from your bag and showed it to him. "Since we're going on the same route, let's share the umbrella."

"Share the umbrella eh," a sinister snigger came behind you. You did not turn nor move. Instead, you let out a sigh and massaged your temples because you know who is the person.

Well, no doubt about it. The only person who loves doing that to you is none other than... 

Your best friend.

"Sora, what's with this sassy... lost child?", you asked in a very sarcastic tone. 

"You mean (bf/n)?", he chuckled. He understands that you're a bit tired from her antics the whole day and that's your way of dealing with it. He also knew that you didn't want the both of you end up in a fight so you respond to her that way. But, your best friend didn't mind it and carry on with her mission. She draped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to her. Close enough for her to whisper something annoying to you again.

"Nice plan you have there," she smirked. You rolled your eyes and prepared yourself for your leave. "Let me guess," you said. "You can't leave this school without having your needed fun?"

"Aw you know me very well. And oh Sora, don't worry about the umbrella. My best friend got your back. Always right?" In return, you glared at her and stowed away all your stuff on your bag.

Oh how she she loved your reaction! But on the contrary, she wanted to help you out at least in small ways. 

As you're drinking your tumbler, your best friend leaned close to you and quietly asked you on your ear.

"What's your next move then? Cling to his arm while walking?" 

"No. Look, I'm just helping my friend Sora okay."

"Oh so sad," she clicked her tongue in disappointment. "You know you shouldn't hold back because opportunities like this rarely comes. So if I were you, you must be more forward."

"Do I have to repeat myself?", you smiled wryly at her trying to be patient with her ever since you two met at the school gates this morning. She never stopped teasing and fooling around with you. Even when you guys are doing school work.

"Dude you know what I'm talking about right?" And you just pouted at her.

"Is something wrong, (y/n)?", Sora inquired. He is already standing in front of you with his bag on his shoulder. When you looked up at him, you can see his bright and warm countenance. The cold the rain brought to your room doesn't bother you. If only your best friend wasn't around, you would indulge yourself on the moment you are supposed to have right now.

But, things don't go on the way we wanted it to. Somehow, it flows on the way that is better than we expected. You'll soon find it out.

"N-nothing Sora." Then, her signature devilish laughter made its appearance once again. You poked her side in attempt to stop her from teasing you further. But, to no avail she continued. 

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