Math Homework: Carmine + Flying Orange

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(y/n) = your name
(y/m/t/n) = your Math teacher's name
(a/b/c) = choose which one you prefer

Motegi: So, you subtract the mean from the score, denoted as x, then you divide it by the given standard deviation. *wrote down the formula and showed you step-by-step how to solve*

(Y/n): *along the way* Oh I see! Then, why this formula is different?

Motegi: This is for the given population. The one that I told you is for the given sample. But, they're the same anyway. You just have to remember what is the problem looking for.

(Y/n): The thing is - the question doesn't want to tell me what is his issue. I mean, he kept on asking what is this and that. Then when you solve it, your answer is not the one he is looking for. Like dude, why Math is so complicated? Why does this thing exist? It's beyond human comprehension.

Motegi: ^^; It's alright if you're not perfect in Math. What matters is that you did your best.

(Y/n): Yeah I know that. But everyone, including our senseis, is giving me stress and pressure. I don't know if it's because I am a foreigner or the fact that I am (engineer's/doctor's/architect's) daughter. 

Motegi: I think neither of them was the reason. I believe it's because you're hardworking, (y/n)-chan. You could go and have fun anywhere today but, you choose to study because you wanted to achieve something. Right? 

(Y/n): Well... yeah. :)

Motegi: You're doing it for yourself and not for them. They admire you for it.

(Y/n): Oh come on, you're making me blush.

Motegi: But, it's true! *Her eyes sparkle* They're not pressuring you. They just push you to be greater than who you are now. *Hugs* And, if you need help, share it with us. Stop carrying them all to yourself.

Isao: Meep! *flew from his spot, landed on your lap, and he hugged you*

Motegi: *hugs you tighter* See, Isao agrees.

(Y/n): *smiles and hugs them back* Well, thanks for your support. Sorry for my ranting earlier.

Motegi: No problem! You really need to rest sometimes, you know. 

(Y/n): I know. When I am done with this *you pointed at your homework* I don't understand, though. They say statistics is easy but in reality, it is not.

Motegi: I guess it depends on the person.

(Y/n): And it is not for me. I can't understand the next question, Mogi-chan.

Motegi: *chuckles* Just pretend that you're Sherlock Holmes. You look for clues that will help you in answering the question. Here, let me show you. 

*She get one piece of paper and write down the problem you pointed earlier* Read this one out loud.

(Y/n): "A normal distribution of scores has a standard deviation of 10 and a mean of 50. Find the z-score which has a score of 20 points above the mean."

Motegi: Read it again.

(Y/n): *read the whole thing again*

Motegi: And again. ^^

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