The Promise and The Memory

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(Y/f/c) = your favourite colour 
(Y/b/f/n) = your best friend's name
(Y/n) = your name
(a/b/c) = you choose which one you like best :)


If you are given the chance to go to one of your dream destinations, will you go? 

Well then, I guess you will love this new adventure. Because your school will have a tour outside the country! And it is the place you wanted to visit. Finally after many years of yearning, your dream will come true. The wait is over.

So when you found out this wonderful news, you gleefully jumped and screamed internally to your heart's content.

Why? (Y/n), you are going to Japan!

But wait, there is a catch - you have to do community service and some school work like reflections, essays, small projects, and many more. If the activities given are not completed and recorded by your teachers, no grades and additional points will be given to you. At first, you were a bit down thinking you will not be able to relax and enjoy the fun. Still, you put those negative vibes aside and looked onto the bright side. 

You told yourself that you will have the best school tour in your whole life. 

Your first day had already proven it. Things were amazing!

Since you are in the morning flight, you have a lot of time to rest at Ueno Park and Zoo where you waited for the students in the afternoon flight to arrive. You were grouped with few of your classmates and schoolmates from another campus. 

To start off with the real expedition, all of you completed few activities in your booklet at the Shinobazu Pond. One of those activities is bird watching. You have to look for birds listed in the booklet like the Madagascan ibis and take notes of your observation. 

After that, you guys lounged on the viridescent grounds while having a hearty picnic. As you sat below the humble trees with others, you saw the breathtaking view of Tokyo's paradise. Here lay the pristine waters and the pleasant green land. Thus, you make the most of the moment you have before it disappears. Take pictures here and there, goofing around with your friends, and stare at the beauty of this country. 

When the students of the afternoon flight came, all of you went to Meiji Shrine to take an official school photos for the album. One where you guys are wearing your uniforms and the second on traditional clothing. Although you cannot keep the (y/f/c) kimono, you were able to wear until the day ends. 

So what do you think? It is a dream come true, right?

Do not worry if it is not enough. There is more prepared for you.


Today marks the second day. At a senior high school located at a peaceful neighborhood, you are going to do a community service. That school is where the current Chairman of the school studied in during his high school days. So, he planned all of this for both school communities. And of all the community service your school tour has, this excited you the most. 

In this community service, some groups will aid in cleaning up the whole school while the remaining will be teaching English in speaking. For your group, you guys are part of the cleaning team. 

You wished you could have been in the education team so you could see with your own eyes how does local classrooms and students look like. But then, you were glad that you will be visiting a Japanese school. 

On your way to the school, you saw a group of teenagers wearing uniforms. They are four: one girl and three boys. What caught your attention is the girl bringing something mysterious in front of her. Yet, you dismissed it.

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