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A/N: Hello~!
Thank you for deciding to read this. I hope you will like it and I will be updating as soon as I can (but I have other fan-fictions *and a life* I have to keep up with as well *I apologize*). First reader inert fan-fiction like this *motions to story below*... so please be nice on me... please~?

I would love if you click that heart button, and like even more if you comment~! Or both... *dies from happiness at the thought*

...please ignore me, your story is waiting~


You had created your own profession. You were a thief.

Now, now, didn't you mother ever tell you not to 'judge a book by it's cover' or that 'first impressions are only skin deep', do you remember that? Well, you should...


It might have been helpful...

On another note you were indeed a thief, BUT, you were not a petty thief.

Makes no sense, I know... now here me out.

You were a 'legal' thief. During your profession you have been called many things...


"Shadow Sleuth"

"Demon Detective"

And so on.

Now you may be wondering what things like detective and Sleuth may be doing in there... don't worry. They are, indeed, rightfully placed.

See, being a thief is hard with all the legal troubles... so you found a compromise.

You wait until someone ELSE steals what you want (in like a huge heist or something) and then you begin the hard part your work.

Bargaining with the Japanese police force.

In exchange for your assistance, the Police owe you. So you find yourself doing a variety of things...

Like... uncovering, tracking, and sometimes even capturing the ones responsible and handing them (or the gathered information) over to the police.

Why, sometimes you have gotten into even stickier situations... like solving the 'how' they did were able to pull off the heist. Heck... there have been times you even solved MURDER cases for those useless police.

Of course... your services are not free... remember that 'favor'?

That 'favor' is your bargaining chip. In exchange for your help in a case you request what you want (or in situations with murder cases, you request one of their belongings rather then one of the stolen goods).

Still lost? Here... Let me give you an example...

Remember that one big jewel you really wanted? The lovely Twilight Opal shimmering in the light? That one you just HAD to have?

Yes... you had a horrible and painful wait until finally someone pulled off a robbery stealing the opal along with other valuable and 'priceless' things.

And those police just couldn't find the culprit? Ha ha, yes THAT was hilarious.

So, being the evvvveeerrr soooo kind person you are, you struck a deal.

In exchange for the Opal, you would solve the case for them. They (grudgingly) agreed, so you told them how they pulled it off, gave them the the location you had tracked them to. And as an added in bonus, since you were feeling so kind (and most definitely NOT just because you got bored waiting for the police to come *cough cough*) you even apprehended them leaving them nicely 'wrapped up' for the police to get them.


Of course you DO have a method...

You give them a choice~

1.) They can deny your help and try to solve it themselves (shall I repeat, try), and by doing so avoid the bargaining with you and having to pay the price.

2.) They can give into your demands, giving you the object of your desires. They in return get the criminals, the credit and everything BUT what was bargained to pay you.

or 3.) They can get 'hints' as you like to call them. You slowly give them clues to try to lead them to the conclusion on their own. The catch, (oh yes, there is ALWAYS a catch~) you get paid for every hint they use. So the first few hints start off as small, unimportant things. But the more hints they use (or the more important the hint) the more 'expensive' it is...

Are you not so kind to allow them the choice?


So, indeed, you are a 'thief'... but a 'legal' one.

And, you are of course strictly secretive... only allowing the police to know of your existence. You forbid them from making your existence public knowledge, because you didn't want to deal with the media getting in your way...

..and they didn't want you as an enemy...

No one has ever actually seen you, and that's just the way you like it~

But you were a supposed detective... at least the police seem to prefer calling you that over a 'thief'. Something to do with their pride as honorable police men and not working with thieves who are considered criminals.

But you didn't care what they called you as long as you got what you want.

But they deemed it necessary to name you, to have something to put on the files...


"Didn't you hear of that thief?"

"Who? Oh yeah... the legal thief?"

"I heard it was a Sleuth who hides in the shadows... hidden from everything and everyone."

"No. She may indeed be a cunning person... barely fitting into the 'detective' category..."

"Yeah... she's more like a demon... helpful but costly. Remember? 'Never make a contract with a devil and his demons'? That must apply to it as well... Like it's some kind of Demon Detective..."

"Wouldn't you be liked.. eternally damned if you made a deal with something demonic like... that!?"

"Exactly... sounds just like that... thing..."

"Then what is 'it'?"


"...I think we will call it..."



And so 'Anonymous' came to be your identity.


A/N: Also the picture of this chapter (on quotev) is your 'calling card' per say. It is an ace of spades which has your signiture (an eye with the iris being red with an 'A' symbol in it) drawn over the spade~! I don't own the picture, it's two peoples pictures that I added together and edited to make it so you somewhat got the idea of what it would look like latter on in the story (you like it?)

Like the story so far? Got questions, requests or suggestions? Leave me a messege! Please heart if you like it so far~~~!

Anonymous (Jimmy Kudo x Reader x Kaito Kid)Where stories live. Discover now