Chapter 7

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Later that day, Rahhar got more dinner and we ate. It was a very nice day after the dholes left. I felt like something was wrong though, like something more was coming to get us. That very night we had another campfire as the fireflies came out. Obviously I can see in the dark and then I went out in the woods to see if my ankle is healing up. It was and very quickly. I came back hearing the sound again and I could smell it. It was dholes. I got back to Rahhar's place and smelt them coming. 

Andrew: Rahhar

Rahhar: What is it

Andrew: The dholes are back

Rahhar: How do you know

We felt a rumbling in the ground. It was obvious now Rahhar.

Andrew: That is how I know

I found a stick to use to help get the dholes.

Andrew: Get something to hit them with quick. 

They were coming in from all directions. We fought and fought and then the worst happened. More dholes came and came and I tried my hardest to keep us all alive.

{Back At Home) 

Akru: Huh I felt something

Sura: Like what 

Akru: Like Andrew being attacked

Sura: Get a hold of yourself we are almost there Akru 

Akru: Yeah by his scent 

They kept getting closer and closer. I could barely smell them by the time they even got there. I eventually smelled the wolves coming. I had the smell of freshness in the air. Just as I thought of them coming two dholes came onto me and tried taking me on, if you know what I mean. Rahhar eventually got em off but as he got em off he got pounced but enough time for me to get up. I was pounced yet again and here come the wolves. 

The wolves came one after one then all of a sudden here comes Bagheera. They defeated the dholes one by one as I struggled mercifully to get up. I got up then sat back down due to my ankle. The dholes ran off eventually and then everyone was staring at me for about ten seconds and then Bagheera spoke up. 

Bagheera: Andrew you ran off without the advice of you elders. You must come back into the back to the pack. 

?: Please come back Andrew

Vermilion was no longer there. He left the pack but it wasn't because of me.

?: We picked on you because you were different

?: Yeah but it is not fair to pick on ya

All: Please come back Andrew

I thought about it and I hope they were right about letting me come back. I saw Sura's wound and it was not from the dholes. It was a fight, he later claimed he fought with Akru against seven other wolves about me, and he was wounded badly with Akela coming just in time to stop the fight. 

After that little story, I went to give Bagheera and them a hug and then we were on our way to the Seonee Jungle, just where we belonged. I later forgave them for leaving the pack for a little while, but it was only a matter of time, time for me to become a true wolf. 

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