Chapter 12

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I walked into my lair to find the exact same wolf as before. She looked scared in her eyes, but when I came into her eyes just gleamed at me. That was all she ever did was just stare at me since the start when I met her when I turned into a wolf in the first place. 

?: Sorry I ran into you earlier

Andrew: It's fine I told you this earlier did you do any harm whatsoever

?: No

Andrew: Then you are good

?: I heard you sing earlier

Andrew: You did well...

We were silent for about another minute then all of a sudden burst of voice from the other wolf

?: I have a crush on you

I was all of a sudden, felt a weird feeling.

Andrew: Why would you want a crush on me you barely know me I am just a man seeking respect in this jungle

?:You are not just a man, you are also a wolf....I have seen you change into a wolf and besides I have set my eye on you since you joined the back.

I had a nervous chuckle then seen that Akru and Maki came in to check on me. 

Akru: We came to check on you Andrew we thought you were gone

Andrew: Why was that is it because you guys know that I stay in my den till around mid-day unless of assembly.

Akru: Ashena what are you doing with Andrew I thought you were supposed to be with your father

Ashena: My father no that's the next one. 

Andrew: Next what....

Akru: Ashena since when did you like Andrew anyway don't you think that is a little creepy

Ashena: No at least Andrew doesn't think it is creepy

Akru: Just please leave me and Andrew need to talk about some things

Ashena: Fine

She left and then Akru turned to me when she was out of site

Akru: You have to stay away from her she is one of the worst wolves because all she does is creeps up and proclaims she loves em while she doesn't and just uses you for things

Andrew: Is that true

Maki: It is she did that on my father once

Andrew: Lucky for me you guys came

Akru: Now mother sent me because she wanted to know if you want to....if you want to be part of our group.

Andrew: Group what do you mean what is going on

Akru: Grizzle is still out there and we figured he has been working for Shere Khan

Andrew: I am in I will do anything to keep the Seonee Jungle safe from those rascals

Akru: Alright then meet by her lair at sunset

Andrew: Alright

That night at sunset I went over to Luri's and Sura, Akru, Maki, and Lala was there also

Luri: Alright I sent a scout to find where Shere Khan is....the scout found that Shere Khan and Jocko has been lurking near the old human temple. It's a half days walk to get there but I let Chill help guide us there, now get some sleep we will leave tomorrow night at first thing after sunset.

I went back to my lair and by tomorrow night we will leave to the old temple where they are staying. I have never been so excited in my life. Let the party begin........

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