Temporary home

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~Mark's pov~

I didnt know what to do i was scared. I can't go to a foster home they'll have rules and they will hate me because i talk to myself but really its Jack. What if they can see ghost? Will they hate Jack? What if they think im ugly? Than as if i got hit with reality i remembered one thing, What if they dont accept me for being Gay!? I was so busy lost in thought that next thing i know im in the police car Jack next to me. My dad was already getting taken away by another police car when did they come? I looked at Jack he looked more scared then me. I hugged him and i felt him relax a bit. "Its ok" i whispered to him and he smiled and barried himself into me.

I smiled and looked at the officer's, one had white peach hair that fluffed up from under the hat. The other who was driving had red hair it tuffed up under his hat too. The one with the white kind of colored hair turned to look at me "So whats your name?" I looked at him "M-mark" he smiled "Im Daniel and this is David" David smiled and waved keeping to the road.  (Anyone get it Daniel, David Red hair white color kind of hair that sticks up a bit...no..ok)  i nodded and looked out the window. I dont want to be here i made a dumb move. Jack was in my lap looking out the window with me and all of a sudden he had a smile on his face and was almost looking to happy. "Why are you so happy" i whispered to him. He looked at me "your out of that house im seeing a new part of this world and we get a fresh start" i smiled and thought. He has a point maybe it wont be so bad as long as i have him i can get threw this.

We pulled up to this big building that definitely wasnt the police station. Daniel stepped out and opend my door. David stepped out too. I walked out Jack went first sence he was on my lap. I looked at the brick building, it had to pillors in frount and a big white door.

We walked in and it was actually nice inside. There were pictures on the walls that kids drew and the celling had clouds painted on it. We walked up to a counter. David smiled "Do we have a kid for you his name is Mark and was abused he dosnt have any other family to take him in so we need him to stay here or get a foster home" the lady smiled "oh of course! We could get him a foster home" she looled down at me and i gave a fake smile. Jack held my arm totaly freaked out. The lady than loomed up and David and Daniel "and how have you too been" David smiled more "We've been good" Daniel smiled and nodded taking Davids hand and kissing his cheek. OMG!!  There dateimg thats soo cute!! I smiled and Jack did too. They said good bye and walked out hand in hand. The lady stood up and lead me to my room "you can stay here untill we get you a foster home" i nodded and went in Jack looked around while i sat and read a book i found on the table. I hope we get a good home i don't want to get crushed again.

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