Our New Home...

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Ok so for one THANK YOU FOR 430 READS AHH like i'm so happy!! Two the answers to the Q/A will be its own chapter so far there is only one and its actually a good one but hopefully there will be more soon i don't want to just have one question XD but anyway enjoy!!

~Jack's pov~

I woke in Marks arm, he was shaking me awake "Hey, we are almost there" His voice was soft as he whispered this to me. I nodded and lay my head back on his shoulder looking out the window. By what i could tell we were not in the suburbs anymore but out in the county. We passed rolling fields of green and farms here and there i counted cows as fast as i could considering we only saw them a hot second as we drove by, The most i counted was 5. This went on for another 10 minutes before i got bored and looked at Mark who was in his own world staring at our hands that i didn't know were intertwined until just now. I smiled and looked at his face taking in his features. His lips were a soft plump and pink and his jawline was perfect. I guess Mark snapped back into reality "Take a picture it'll last longer" I blushed a deep red and looked away quickly. Mark chuckled a little  staying quite. Brooke looked over and made a confused face i just looked down and laughed. Brooke shook her head and turned back to the window. 

After 5 minutes we finally arrived i looked out to see this huge brick house. The bricks were a light tan color and the roof was a dusty sand color. there was a big porch that took up one half of the house front. On the second floor there was a small balcony and one of the rooms had an attachment that went up and was built on top of the roof like a small sun room. I was hoping that was our room. I looked at it in awe until Mark shook my arm. I looked at him and he smiled getting out, i followed. We got out and grabbed our bags. As we went into the house i took note of the surroundings. There wasn't much just some art here and there and a small table by the door. A living room that looked normal but with expensive furniture....That won't stay nice long.

We all went in the dinning room and sat at the oval table that could fit like 12 people. Mark sat down i sat in his lap he didn't put his arms around me cause that would just be strange to see his arms floating. Brooke and Miss. Janice sat on the other sides of him. A lady with a big smile and bleach blond hair with green at the tips walked in followed by a man who had hair like Mark but his was a weird brown black color. They sat in front of us Miss Janice smiled "Brooke, Mark this is Mr and Mrs Mell!" (Anyone get it!? No..ok...bye) Mar and Brooke smiled and waved i smiled and studied there faces. They all talked about themselves for what seemed like 8 hours but really was like an hour and a half before we finally got a tour of the house, which i guess we are rich now because it was amazing! Mr Mell had to go to work so we said bye to him while Miss Mell led us upstairs to our new room. Miss Janice didn't follow i didn't find it weird until she walked into one of the rooms and closed the door i guess know one else cared or saw cause they just keep going. I tried to ignore it and moved on. When we got to the room i smiled brightly and ran in when i saw it had a ladder that went up to the sun room thing. Mark tried not to laugh as i danced around and explored our new room. There was a bunk bed in the corner and a t.v lined up so you could see it from in bed. On the side of the bed was one of the coolest tables iv'e ever seen it was a bedside table that had like another table onto of it but the seconds tables legs were long enough to reach the top bunk. The room was a nice pastel blue and had light pink carpeting.  There was a full bookcase and a chair next to it. I went up the ladder to the sun room to find a small chair and table that fit perfect in the small room the could fit two people. I smiled brightly and went back down the ladder Brooke and Mark were in the room looking around Mrs Mell left the room.

After they got unpacked Brooke went to explore more of the house while me and Mark stayed in the room and relaxed. I looked at Mark who was watching some random show he put on and smiled "This is going to be a great home i can just feel it!" Mark smiled and looked down at me "Yeah me too it's going to be awesome" Brooke came back a little while later. By now it was 12 so we all put on pj's and went to bed. Me and Mark won top bunk in a game of rock, paper, sissoirs against Brooke. She was o with it and we clime up...ok i just floated up but same thing. Mark held me close and squeezed me like a teddy bear. I giggled and hugged him falling asleep quickly. 

~Mark's pov~

I held Jack close and he hugged me before falling asleep. I smiled and heard Brooke mumble a goodnight "Night sis" i heard he laugh. I laughed a bit and got comfy before falling asleep. Maybe this house wont be so bad after all. I felt safe again and it  made me insanely happy to feel this was again and iv'e only been heere (I did it again is anyone catching these refrances) a few hours! This is a good home and i know it i just have that feeling

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