The machine

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~Mark's pov~

     I was with Brooke we were playing board games in our room. Jack was still asleep, i looked at him and sighed sadly he had dried tear stains going down his face and the most sad look i have ever seen. I really wanted to talk to him and ask him what was going on but i also didn't want to stress him out more so i left it. Brooke looked at me "Don't worry to much...he'll be fine i'm sure, just give him time to relax and take in whatever happened to him" I looked at her and smiled softly nodding "yeah...ok..thanks..." She nodded and looked back at the game "You go" we were playing Clue it was a fun game and so far i think i was winning. I took my turn and smiled "I know who did it!" She dramatically fell "nuuu...Who" I looked at my cards and read them " Colonel Mustard with a rope in the kitchen!" she took the cards out of the little holding and looked at them "yup you win" i cheered happily and smiled at her. She stuck her tongue out at me i laughed.

      After one more round we cleaned the game up (btw i won again). I layed down next to Jack he was cold and very pale...more than usual. I held him close to me and covered us with a blanket. I felt his arms go around me to which i held him back smiling. He must have woke up because he looked at me and had tears in his eyes "M-mark....will you always love matter what i do...?" I was shocked by the question what happened that could make him ask this. I looked at him and tried to relax him but he just started balling "Jack..i will love you until the end of time...forever and matter what you do" He looked back up at me and smiled his eyes were a bright blue the blue that i love so very much. I kissed his head and held him close to me not letting go. He giggled "Mark your going to kill me a second time" I laughed and let him go but keep my arms around him. After awhile we fell asleep. Brooke did too but after she sat looking out the window for an hour.

       In the morning i woke up and Jack wasn't there i looked around the room not there. I went up to the sunroom not there either i was a little worried so i looked at Brooke she was still asleep i knew if i woke her up she would kill me. I walked downstairs and started looking around i couldn't find him anywhere than i remembered the question he asked me last night and looked down. Did that have to do with where he is? Now i was scared there are so many things that he could do but he would tell me first...right?.....I heard a voice and looked up "Miss. Janice?" she smiled and looked at me "hello Mark are you looking for Jack?" I nodded and then stopped "wait how do yo-" she stopped me "I will explain later or how about Jack...JACK you can come over here now" She looked over to her left i did the same and my whole world stopped "Jack?...." It was couldn't have been...right? He was alive.

~Jack's pov~

      I woke up extra early this morning. I decided i was going to do it im going to become alive and help Miss. Janice's kid. I got up and thought of some clothes to wear, ripped jeans and a blue shirt will do. After i got changed i ran down the stairs and too Miss. Janice. She was in the other room still i looked at her and smiled shyly "I-im ready...i want to do this..." she smiled and jumped up from the chair that she was sitting in "Thank you! Thank you so much Jack! Lola will be so happy and grateful!" I smiled fully now guessing Lola was he daughter following Miss. Janice she lead me to a room that was just off to the side. In the room was a bed with a little girl she had brown short hair and a pale face she had a black eye and small cuts on her face and some on her arms sleeping. She had a hospital gown on too. When Lola saw me she smiled happily "Yooou are gooooing to help meeee....i was soooo scareddd" I can tell she was weak by how she dragged her words and her eyes were sunken in a bit. I went to her and gave a sympathetic look "of course i'm going to help...i don't want you to suffer..." Miss. Janice was messing around with some machine next to us, I looked at it. It had a tube that someone can fit inside and a long tube with a hat and like a million buttons.

      I walked over to the tube thing Miss Janice looked at me "Thats where you go you can get in now if you want, i'm ready" i nodded and stepped inside closing the small door behind me. It was pitch black i could not see a thing and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. A small green light turned on and the thing began to shake a bit but not a lot. I looked at the light and than away getting a weird feeling. My feet fell to the floor and my hands to my sides as they felt to heavy to keep up. Everything than got a sharp pain that was worse than when i died or when i saw my parents fight and screamed and hit the wall falling and blacking out against the side.

      I woke up to a blinding light, squinting my eyes i stood up and stumbled out of the tube looking around letting my eyes focus. I looked at Lola who was floating around the room a big smile on her face. I looked down at myself same clothes i picked out than i looked at my hands they weren't translucent but now solid i smiled and looked at Miss Janice hugging her she jumped a bit since she was looking at Lola "Thank you i feel free again!" she smiled and hugged back. Lola came down and hugged me "and thank you i feel free now too" we let got and talked a bit until i heard rapid footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked in that direction "Mark!" Miss Janice walked out "stay here a minute Jack. I nodded and looked at Lola telling her how things work as a ghost. Miss Janice called me in so i walked out and looked at Mark smiling he looked at me "Jack?...." the look on his face worried me i couldn't read what emotion it was or what he was thinking. I went up to him "It's me...the same idiot you love...." he smiled and hugged me i hugged back and we laughed for a reason unknown. I made a good choice.

Hey guys i;m so sorry this took so long to update i just have had a lot happen in the past few weeks....a really good friend committed suicide than i was in the huge thing with this guy than another thing. than i had homecoming wich was so much fun and my crush asked me out so like yeah. anyway i hope i can get the next chapter out soon and it might end up being the last one unless i can find something else to add so yeah. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700 READS I AM SO HAPPY YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!

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