10: Tyler Lies a Lot

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Birdsong filtered through the window. Tyler was room groggy. He couldn't focus. The sunlight was bright; there was a sound he didn't quite recognize coming from elsewhere. He tried tossing his back to the light, but it was everywhere, engulfing him completely- when he eventually gave up and coaxed his eyes open, he was surprised to see white bedsheets.

His sheets weren't white, they were grey. Perhaps this was the thought that lead him to remember yesterday, and the moments that lead up to him being in Josh's bed- the overwhelmingly good feeling that Josh built him to last night, and then darkness. He probably fell asleep.

He was shirtless and in his boxers- that was the second thing he noticed as he kicked off the sheets. And he was alone in the bed, but there was a prominent dip in the spot beside him that said Josh had slept beside him that night.

Still groggy and not quite thinking straight, Tyler raised himself to his feet, now recognizing the odd sound from the hallway as humming. He dragged himself toward it, pushing past the open bedroom door and making way to the kitchen. There was Josh, wearing pyjama pants and a loose t-shirt, cooking something that smelled good while humming to himself.

Tyler sat down at the counter, the barstool groaning and catching the man's attention. Josh turned his head and grinned, not seeming to care that Tyler was practically naked.

"Hey," Josh said in a sing-song voice, all bright and practically glowing good vibes.

"What'cha makin'," Tyler yawned, running a hand through his bedhead. The counters were clean, he randomly observed, but of course they were.

Josh grinned. "Eggs and bacon. Hope you don't mind-"

"No, I like it."

Tyler spotted his phone on the counter, beside a box of tissue- he grabbed it, and suddenly remembered he was supposed to go home last night. His parents were probably worried- he didn't have a curfew, but he wasn't supposed to stay out. Sure enough, as he unlocked his phone, there were five missed calls from his mom's cell. "Shit.."

"What?" Hummed the red headed man, seeming distraught, focused on cooking.

"My mom," Tyler sighed, barely audible over the sound of bacon sizzling, "She's probably pissed."

There was a brash click as Josh switched off the stove, taking a fork and peeling off an egg. Tyler observed as said egg was dropped onto a plate, eventually accompanied by two pieces of bacon.

After adding a fork, Josh slid the plate over the counter to Tyler. "I thought you said you didn't have a curfew?"

"I didn't, but I still should've gone home."

"Shit, sorry about that," apologized Josh as he sat next to Tyler with his own plate. "I'd take you home now but school starts in an hour."

Tyler nodded. "So you'll drive me to school?"

"I'll have to," replied the teacher, taking a bite of egg. Tyler did the same, licking his lips as some made a mess around his mouth.

So that was it. Tyler would apologize to his parents after school, which gave him all day to think of an excuse. But school in general, that would be stressful- he broke up with Jenna. He grinned at the memory, because he did it while Josh was giving him a handjob, deciding right then that he couldn't be with her anymore. He simply didn't love her the way he did Josh.

Once they were done eating, the hour passed by quickly. Tyler took a quick shower, put on yesterday's jeans, and was about to put on his shirt when he remembered yesterday. He'd wiped himself off with his shirt. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea, but he was caught up in the moment..

"Josh," Tyler called from the bathroom in question. It didn't take long until Josh was peeking through the door, asking him what was the matter, "Can I borrow one of your shirts?"

"Sure, they're in my closet." Josh gave him a bright smile before heading off back to whatever he was doing.

Shirtless, and very cold, Tyler stumbled out of the foggy bathroom and into the bedroom. He opened the closet door and selected a random causal shirt, pulling it on and over his head- it was a few sizes too large, but it didn't matter.

"We've gotta go now if we're going to make the in time," called Josh from the living room, making Tyler rush out.

He grabbed his phone and his bag and allowed Josh to lead him out of the apartment. Tyler took in a deep breath as they went down the elevator, past the doors and into the car.


Eventually, he got to school and Jenna was glaring at Tyler from down the hall, surrounded by her groupies. They seemed to glare with her. The funny thing was that only days before they were drooling all over Tyler- now they might as well have been Jenna Black's guard dogs, protecting her from Tyler.

Jenna's stare never left, even as Tyler approached his locker and took out his binder. What did she want, an apology? An explanation? A fucking condolence card? He couldn't even give an explanation because his decision was so sudden, but it's not like he regretted it. Looking back, their relationship was fake, anyways. All stereotypical and highschool-esque. Being with Josh was more grown-up, more real, and Tyler liked that.

He walked past her carelessly, and he heard a scoff. A few other people in the halls who Tyler vaguely knew were staring at him, too. Did everyone know? Probably- Jenna was one of the popular girls, and one to spread gossip and drama. Especially when it was her own.

He made way to his first period, which he had with Brendon- as soon as he walked in the loud classroom, he felt a hand slap his shoulder.

"Dude, are you okay?" Brendon seemed genuinely concerned and it was funny.

"Yeah, why?" Tyler took his seat, and Brendon took the seat beside him.

"Because last night you fuckin' broke up with Jenna. Are you insane?" He shook his head, eyes wide. "She's a babe, and you guys are perfect for each other, man. Why?"

"I guess I just stopped loving her," lied Tyler. It was far more complicated than that, but he couldn't talk about it. Nobody could know.

"Whatever. The entire cheer squad has your picture taped to the dartboard, man- hell, half of the basketball team are pissed that you'd hurt her like that."

"They're all just trying to sleep with her," argued Tyler, not really caring. "They don't actually give a shit."

"They'll say they give a shit and act like they do anyways, so it doesn't matter. Everyone's just confused. It was so sudden."

"I don't really care," sighed Tyler, too preoccupied with thinking about Josh.

Brendon have him a grunt of recognition, then bringing his attention to what Tyler was wearing. "Whose shirt is that? It's way too big."

"It's my dad's," Tyler lied again. "I don't have any shirts washed. Desperate times."

"I guess."

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