11: Tyler Joseph is a Fag

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"Did you hear that Tyler Joseph is gay?"

Everyone was talking about it. Mr. Healy, whispering in the locker room to his assistant. Lawrence, his teammate, who was apparently very concerned that Tyler Joseph would take advantage of him in the locker room. Maddy, his younger sister, whispering amongst friends- even Mr. Iero, who could barely ever be bothered about anything gossip related.

It was the latest Cincinnati High scandal. 'Tyler Joseph broke up with Jenna Black because Tyler Joseph is a fag'. And, in all honesty, they weren't wrong- that was the worst part.

Tyler's school wasn't very accepting to gay people. For some reason, they were fine with lesbian couplings because it was hot, but being gay might as well have been illegal again. They weren't even a Christian school, just a whole bunch of dicks.

"I'm here for you," whispered Abby, nearly a total fucking stranger, as she passed by Tyler in the cafeteria line. He was gonna loose his shit.

Apparently, this was Jenna's way of getting back at him- by starting a rumour out of thin air. And because she was herself, everyone believed her. Tyler was being terrorized, and she could only blink her long eyelashes as if she had something to prove.

He was sick of this. Lunch tray in hand, Tyler matched up to the exclusive cheerleader's table (not to be confused with the other cheerleaders table that Tyler sat at, mixed in the with the jocks), the table that only the preppiest cheer girls would sit at. Jenna was front and centre.

"What the fuck," exclaimed Tyler as he marched up to her, livid. "What the actual fuck, Jenna?"

"I should be asking you the same thing," she shot back, eyebrows raised all cockily.

"No," Tyler grit his teeth, "You can't just make up some bullshit story to give yourself some sort of condolence as to why I broke up with you, you can't just try to say I'm gay and that's why I did it, when in actuality, Jenna, I fuckin' broke up with you because you're a fake piece of shit! This right here is a beautiful example of that!"

He was screaming now, the entire cafeteria dead silent and watching with their judgemental eyes.

"It's bullshit! You're bullshit, and our entire relationship was bullshit," Tyler barked, "And that's exactly why I left you! Not because I'm gay, but because you're a lying whore."

"If you're not gay, why were you wearing that big t-shirt the other day? And why have you smelt like different cologne lately?? Somebody has a sugardaddy," sneered the blonde.

"Fuck off!" Tyler felt his eyes pooling with tears yet to be shed- that was not good. "Just accept that we're over because you're a shitty human, and stop trying to make excuses to make yourself feel better about being a load of bullshit."

"It's too late, Tyler," she said, voice low. "Everyone already knows that you're a total fag."

He raised his arm, balled his fist, clenched his jaw-

"Tyler!" He was pulled into a full body restraint, stronger than any student could manage, an arm tightly wrapped around his chest and the other hand gripping his raised fist so it wouldn't crash down on Jenna.

Tyler turned his head to see who'd stopped him- it was Josh. His gaze wasn't on him for long, though, because there was a camera flash and giggling from everyone around.

"Let me go," the eighteen year old hissed, knowing that this would be the end of him. Hesitantly, Josh did, but keeping close to Tyler.

Josh looked disappointed. He had no idea. "I'll have to escort you to the office, Tyler."


With one last sharp glare at Jenna, Tyler walked behind Josh, out of the cafeteria and down an empty hallway outside.

"What was that about?"

"Jenna's started rumours," muttered Tyler with a certain kind of distaste. "She's tellin' everyone I'm gay."

And after a pause, "..Oh."

"And," Tyler continued, "Someone took a picture of you holding me back there, an' god knows what they'll do with it."

Josh groaned. "I told you this would happen. They're gonna find out, and I can't have that, my job's at stake here.."

"What are you saying?" Tyler kept his voice down, stopping to stare at Josh. "You did what any teacher would do, you held me back, what's the fault there?"

"Nothing. It depends on where that picture goes, and how it's utilized; If it's out of context and the board finds out, they'll pin an investigation on me."

"So our relationship depends on a photo."

Josh gave him a nod, looking pained. "In the meantime, I think we should keep a distance from each other. Until this clears up."

Anger began to bubble in the pit of Tyler's stomach. "What about me? You can go off and hide from this, but I'm being terrorized out there!"

"...I'm sorry, Tyler."


When Tyler got home, he slammed the front door shut, slid off his bag and shoes; and began a march upstairs. Unfortunately he was stopped halfway by his younger brother, Zach, a sophomore at his high school whom he usually had minimal contact with.

"Is it true?" Zach asked lowly. He had the school paper in his hand. Tyler gave him a confused look, and then grabbed the paper from Zach violently. "Well, is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about.." he did. In fact, it was on the second page of the paper, written in bold print:

'Tyler Joseph has Daddy Issues!'

It was accompanied by the photo of Josh holding Tyler. He only had to read the first two lines to realize the entire article was about his sexuality, and how an 'anonymous student exposed his sexuality.'

"Are you gay?" Asked Zach, a small grin on his lips.

"What the fuck? No!" Tyler shoved Zach away, livid. Who the fuck had published that on the school paper? Now his brother knew. At this realization, Tyler gripped Zach's shirt, "And don't you even think about tellin' mom or dad, or Maddy, or anyone else, understand?"

"Because its true," said Zach, all matter of factly.

"It's not true!" Shouted Tyler angrily, "I just don't want news spreading!"

"What's not true?"

Tyler looked in the direction of the tiny, sweet voice, eyes catching hold of nine year old Maddy, his little sister, in the hall.

"Tyler's a faggot," sneered Zach.

"What's that?" Her voice was innocent and small, like that of a butterfly.

"It means he loves boys. He's a sinner."

"No, I don't-"

"Yes you do, fag-!"

In one motion, Tyler's fist swung up to strike Zach right in the nose, hearing something crack. He didn't even regret it a second later- Zach cried out in pain, and Maddy began to sniffle and sob in fear, but Tyler didn't care at all. He marched away.

Tyler ran upstairs, tears beginning to sting in his eyelids, making his vision blurry and footsteps uneven. He still managed to find his room, managed to get inside and lock the door behind him. Managed to crawl on his bed, hold his breath and let the tears fall into the crevices of his cheekbones and pillow.

He wanted to scream, wanted to sob, but he couldn't. He felt like he was dying. He couldn't fucking breathe.

He felt like he was drowning.

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