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"So, do you think Taetae doesn't want our baby inside my womb?" Tiffany called her friends for a sudden meet-up after her encountered with Taeyeon this morning as she hurriedly washed up and got dress not wanting to bumped into him.

"I don't think he doesn't want your baby it's like Taeyeon had no heart to hurt Jessica as well after she got a negative result." Sooyoung corrected, she's Tiffany and Jessica's close friend way back in college taking the same course as them.

"I think Sooyoung unnie was right." Seohyun agreed before sipping her latte with her husband sitting beside her.

"Taeng is such a caring and loving man from what I've known him for so long and also as his former roommate." Yoong backing up his wife Seohyun as he intertwined his hand with his beautiful woman beside him.

"Based from what I've heard with all of you I also think this Taeyeon guy is really something else." Kyung Ho, Sooyoung's husband agreed as he smiled back on Tiffany.

"He is such a great man." Sooyoung turned to speak again knowing him from them and also hanging out with Taeyeon sometimes.

"You're so lucky unnie." Tiffany couldn't helped but to smile with herself hearing compliments from her friend about Taeyeon.

"I think I'm just overreacting." Tiffany said before her friend smiled back at her and congratulating her for being soon-to-be mother.

"Please send our regards to Taeng and Jessica too." Her friends waved goodbye after their so-called catching up before they went into their cars and Tiffany left alone by herself since her home is just two-blocks away from the cafe.

"Walking home alone?" Tiffany startled by a manly yet alluring voice behind her.

She turned her head seeing her husband smiled shyly back at her with guilt in his eyes while scratching the back of his neck. Tiffany felt sorry for him so she stepped slowly facing Taeyeon in just a close proximity, she faces her dorky husband before she wrapped her arms around his lower torso snuggling her face into his chest showing great affection when she'd done something wrong to him. Taeyeon was surprise by her sudden action but wrapped his arms around his wife back while caressing her back since they both wearing thick clothes protecting them from a cold weather. He likes their cuddly and cute attitude coming from his both wives whenever they've done something wrong and seek for his forgiveness.

"I'm sorry." He apologized knowing he'd done nothing wrong.

"I'm the one who needs to apologized to you, I'm sorry Taetae I'm just being childish right now." Tiffany pulled away staring at her husband's loving eyes before Taeyeon leaned closer for a passionate kiss with his cute wife.

"I like you being childish sometimes but please forgive me for hurting your feelings knowing you carried our child inside your womb, I'm very happy right now." Taeyeon smile dorkily at his wife seeing Tiffany's eyes glistening with tears and immediately wipes them off away from her beautiful eyes.

"Apology accepted!" Tiffany cheerfully said before kissing Taeyeon's tip of his nose.

"Do you crave something?" Taeyeon asked after pulling away from their warmth embrace.

"I don't think I had it now." Tiffany pouted when she felt normal and not craving with something.

"I think I like to eat something sour." Taeyeon felt weird on his stomach since last week.

"Do you think you will be the one who will crave for our baby and handle morning sickness from now on?" Taeyeon's eyes widen when he heard it from her wife since its possible for him to handle pregnant symptoms.

"Well, I don't mind having them for the sake of our first born." Taeyeon smiled realizing he's gonna be a father soon but somewhat he thought of his other wife at home being alone and gloomy.

"Thank you Taetae!" Tiffany's hyperactive attitude made Taeyeon felt happy too for he doesn't used with her being gloomy unlike Jessica whose fine being cool and quiet sometimes.

"For my beautiful wife." Taeyeon peck her lips before they got on their feet walking into a nearby restaurant.


Jessica woke up from her deep slumber and was left alone inside their humble home. She stretched her as in the air when she felt nauseous and runs inside her personal bathroom throwing up after feels like forever staying in such a helpless situation, she gathers her strength to lift up her limp body and dragged it outside hoping to see her loving husband cooking or watching TV but her hopes crushed when she saw no one else inside as well with Tiffany. She had high suspicions that the other couple are out together and she's only left alone by herself, she pouted but continue her journey into the kitchen searching for some light snack to eat but before she reached the counter, she imnediately felt something wrong and run into the nearest sink to throw up again weirdly.

"Ugh, what the hell?!" Jessica felt irritated for having some weird feeling inside her petite body before she realize something that made her jump and run inside her room taking another pregnancy test that Taeyeon bought for her last week and after a long run taking test and stepped outside with tears in her eyes while holding the pregnancy kit on her hand.

"Finally!" Jessica emotionally stares at the two angry visible red lines from the pregnancy kit and hold it into her chest finally felt relieved.

"Taengoo will be happy
knowing I'm finally carrying his child inside my womb." Jessica spoke to herself before walking back into the kitchen filled with hopes and happiness inside her chest as she searched for a light snack for her until Taeyeon comes home together with Tiffany.

"Maybe the pregnancy kit isn't accurate awhile ago when I took it with Taeyeon." Jessica felt positive with herself and already forget about the failed result she took with her husband later that morning.

-to be continued

My Two Mrs. Kim (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant