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"Be careful in your field trip araesso? Be a good boy." Jieun adjusting the strap of Tyron's backback while the boy carefully listened on his mother's words. Their school is having a field trip in a national museum located in Seoul so the excited boy pursuade Jieun to let him join the once in a lifetime trip, he only once seen the entire city since child and it is a one time opportunity for him to see the whole scenery in Seoul again and after a few more push finally Jieun sighed and approved the waver given to her before the day of the said trip and Tyron was really, really happy.

"Don't worry eomma I will be a good boy there and I remember all you said to me especially when talking to a stranger." Tyron playfully salute showing his front white teeth as Jieun playfully pinch his cheeks made the boy groan in annoyance.

"Umma!!!" Tyron was really embarrassed when his mother playfully do it with his cheeks because he once said that he's already a grown up man.

"Waeyo???" Jieun asked mischievously.

"I'm a big boy now!!! Don't pinch me like that or I will be ugly and probably girls won't talk to me!!!" The little boy said as he puffed his cheeks making him more adorable on his mother's eyes.

"Aigoo! This little rascal!" Jieun ruffle his hair made him more embarrassed unlike before.

"Umma!!!" Tyron protest.

Finally the bus arrived and blow its horn loudly making them both startled and Tyron said goodbye to his mother as he stepped inside the school trip bus making him more excited, he was greeted by his classmates and teacher before he sat beside his friend and the long trip became more lively by Tyron's presence as he playfully bickered with his friends joining by their adviser. He secretly glance beside him and saw his crush Yoona smiling back at him made him more shy and flustered, he got back on their on going conversation within the group and forget about his crush so that his heart would stop beating crazily. As the journey to Seoul ends, their adviser counted them before she calls for a roll call of their name and then one by one they entered the said museum starting from the beautiful arts displayed elegantly on the lobby before one of a staff told them the history of each frames. Suddenly, Tyron's attention caught by a certain paintings on the east wing of the huge building before he bumps into a person as he fell on the floor, the man was shocked by the accident and helps the poor boy get on his knees before he asked something from him because he's worried about Tyron.

"Are you okay? Sorry I didn't noticed you when I'm intrigued with this new painting here." The strange man said as he explained about the painting caught Tyron's more interest as he listened well at him, they both love arts and paintings.

"Sorry." Tyron apologized as he bowed respectully at him.

"I should be the one whose sorry." The man said with a small smile from his face.

"I like this painting." Suddenly, the man said as his eyes wandered at the beautiful painting.

My Two Mrs. Kim (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن