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"Umma!" A boy with his backpack running through their little home downtown. He's too excited to see his mother and show his beautiful sketches with stars on it.

"Tyron! Be careful!" Jieun worriedly said as she saw her son running hastily. She's worried that he might injured himself and that's the last thing she never wanted to happen, she loves him dearly like her own son after Mr. and Mrs. Kim entrusted him under her care. She spend most of her time taking care of the energetic little boy who resembles his mother a lot with a wonderful eyesmile that catches everyone's attention especially on their neighborhood, Tyron is quiet popular with the elders besides he's a very smart boy.

"I got a stars!" He happily yelled while waving his sketches on his little hand showing how proud he was. He likes to draw on his leisure time unlike any other boys who played silly games alot or tripping little girls on their school. He's a very modest and gentle little human who loves ice cream especially his mother.

"Woah! It's so beautiful Tyron." Jieun hugged her son before she patted his head showing much affection on the kid who had a silly smile on his face with his sparkling eyes.

"Sure you did a good job." Jieun praised him before he helps his mother to carry her groceries.

"Umma? What do we have here?" He curiously asked before he secretly peak on the grocery bags on the floor checking if his mother bought something for him.

"I got your favorite!" His mother shows a pint of chocolate ice cream from her back making the boy excitedly kissed his mother's cheek.

"Thank you Umma! You're the best mama?!" Tyron kindly received his ice cream after he helped his mother unpacking the items from the paper bags.

"At least have your dinner first." Jieun said before she make her way on their kitchen.

"I understand mom." He politely comply on his mother's request before he helps Jieun prepare their dinner.

"You better change your clothes and take a bath first." His mother said before he nodded and sprinted hastily on his bedroom.


"DADDY!!!" A little girl who frown as she glares at her step sister whom securely held her teddy bear on her arms protecting the poor little one from her little evil stepsister who always picked a fight on her.

"Kim Jooyeon stop fighting with your sister or I ban you from playing with her forever!!" Taeyeon saw his girls picking a fight again but he's grateful because both of them was surely a warrior like his wives and no one wants to surrender from each other. He make sure that he showered them with same love and affection from him. Jooyeon, a 5-year old daughter of Jessica and a bully to her step sister Kim Stephie, who is Tiffany's little girl.

"What is happening here?" Jessica emerge from the bathroom with a bathrobe wrapped on her body while glaring at her daughter's enemy. The poor little Stephie quickly hides from her father's leg as she was frightened from the evil stepmother's stare, she almost had tears on her eyes everytime she hear her voice.

"Stephie is surely a bad girl." Jooyeon said before she stepped beside her mother and cling into her leg before she stick her tongue out into the poor little girl.

"Enough of this girls!" Taeyeon gently side before he looked pitifully at his daughter Stephie who wipes her tears away.

"Daddy you always siding her!" Jooyeon whines as she pointed at her stepsister.

"Jooyeon-ah!" Taeyeon cooed before he patted Jooyeon's head and hug her tightly.

"Daddy." Stephie whisper before she stepped back hugging her favorite teddy bear given by her dear father.

"Let's go shopping honey and leave Stephie here with our maids, I don't want her near me." Jessica sternly said before she glares at the poor little girl whose hugging her stuff toy.

"Sica." Taeyeon said.

"I don't want to argue with you agaun right now because of that child just remember what her mother done wrong with us." Jessica turned him down before she pick Jooyeon in her arms and made their way into their bedroom. Taeyeon could only sigh before he looks pitifully at his own daughter who silently cries hugging her toy.

"I miss Mommy." Stephie cries making Taeyeon's heart softened by the way his daughter act like that and without Tiffany by her side, she felt helpless and awful alone.

"I'm sorry Stephie." Taeyeon hugged her tightly in his arms caressing her back soothing her to calm down on her cries. He also missing Tiffany who falsely accused fraud by Kim company, he was sure his wife didn't betrayed him and surely accused her wrongly. Tiffany had been kicked out from the mansion by Taeyeon's father and the latter is nowhere to be found leaving her child under his care and Jessica mistreated her frequently and he could only stares at her poorly.

"I'll buy you something that you want, anything in your mind?" Taeyeon asked gently while staring lovingly at his daughter but the child shook her head before she tightly hugged her father.

"I only want mommy." Stephie said before she stares back at him as her tears threaten to fall from her eyes. Taeyeon wipes them away before he gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead and whispered "I love you".

"Just bear a little more baby because Daddy is already searching evidence to prove your mother's innocence and nobody can hurt you ever again." Taeyeon said in his mind while hugging his daughter tight while thinking of his other wife who left them. He loves Stephie so much but right now he could only helplessly stares back at her with a heavy heart.

"Bring back mommy." Stephie said.

"I promise I'll bring her back." Taeyeon responded while he picks her up in his arms securely as he peck her chubby cheeks.

-to be continued

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