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"Where are we going mommy?" Jooyeon asked her mother whose in panic as they drove away from the Kim mansion not wanting to be caught by authority.

"Sweetie we are going to your grandparent's house." Jessica calmly said before they heard a sound of siren from behind.

"STOP YOUR CAR MRS. JESSICA KIM OR ELSE WE'LL SHOOT YOU!" One of the angry policeman yelled from the megaphone.

"I'm not gonna turn myself inside the jail you freaking rats!" Jessica laughed evilly as she stepped on the gas to increase her speed so the police wouldn't caught them made her daughter terrified.

"Mommy I'm afraid." Jooyeon could only cry so much from the backseat but Jessica wouldn't listen and keeping a huge gap from the police cars.

"My daughter was also inside that freaking car don't shoot them." TaeYeon pleaded as he watched from the backseat how the white Sedan car infront of them had no control over their speed. He's worried sick for Jooyeon's situation that the girl might be terrified by the tragic circumstances occurred.

"Stay calm we got this Mr. Kim." Said one of the police keeping their pace and trailing behind Jessica's car but before anything else happened a loud sound crash heard by them.

"Jooyeon!' TaeYeon hurriedly pace and jumped from his seat as they witnessed how the car crashed into the trees.

"Stay behind Mr. Kim we aren't sure if the suspect has a dangerous weapon with her." The police screamed and on point Jessica appeared holding a gun pointing directly at Jooyeon's head.

"Don't shoot!"

"Jessica low down your gun." TaeYeon trying to calm down the intense situation but Jessica would never listen.

"Do you think you can fool me twice Tae? I won't let you take my daughter from me and if you do all of us will die together." Jessica fired as she pulled her daughter with her still pointing a gun towards Jooyeon.

"Leave that woman and be with us." Jessica demanded.

"Jessica please I'm begging you don't do stupid things." TaeYeon pleaded.

"I killed your daughter remember and here you are trying to persuade me, huh?" Jessica almost felt her tears on her eyes as she remember the cruel night she poisoned the poor little girl.

"And if you kill our own daughter you also cut our connections too." TaeYeon stated.

"Jooyeon was mine and yours." He stares at gun carefully as he slowly taking baby steps towards Jessica's directions.

"Jooyeon is innocent."

"Appa." Jooyeon cried as she watched her parents in a terrifying situation.

"Mommy don't shoot Daddy." Jooyeon begged as she cried hard making her mother cried with her too.

"Mommy loves your daddy so much but if I let you with him I will be left out away from both of you." Jessica said.

"Daddy doesn't love me anymore like how he loves your aunt Tiffany so much." Jessica cried on her knees as she felt miserable begging for TaeYeon's love.

"But why did you kill Stephie?" Jooyeon asked.

"Because I only want you and me in your Daddy's life." Jessica confessed.

*sound of a firing guns*

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" TaeYeon screamed in horror as he watched the scene infront of her.

After the firing guns, Jessica instantly fell on the ground lifelessly and pooled by her own blood while Jooyeon just stares blankly on her mother. She felt terrified and no words left her mouth, she could only stare and stay rooted on her spot as she was dragged by her father and hugging her so tight while the suspect was being lifted and carried by the policemen around them.

"Sorry if you experience such cruelty." TaeYeon whispered on his daughter whose carried by him before they went inside the police mobile.

"Daddy is sorry." TaeYeon cried.

After the tragic death of Jessica Kim, her daughter Jooyeon wouldn't speak a word and kept her silence even if Tiffany tried to engaged in a conversation but failed, her half brother Tyron also helps hos sister to speak again but all of their efforts turned into waste even TaeYeon couldn't helped her. She needed time to moved on from her mother's death and how cruel Jessica was into her, she experienced such evil things done by her wicked mother with her and on the late Stephie Kim. Every single day, the poor girl could only blankly stares outside her huge window overlooking the beautiful scenery, watching birds flying, sunset and all but she locked herself inside her room with less interactions with people in the mansion.

"She will be fine soon." Tiffany console her husband whose been sleepless and tired from Jooyeon's situation.

"I will send her to foreign country together with me." TaeYeon informed.

"When will you leave?" His wife asked.

"On Jessica's birthday."

"Are you sure?"

"She left me with no other choice besides I'm also the one who turns her like that, I'm irresponsible father to my children." TaeYeon cried on his wife's arms.

"She's such a strong girl." Tiffany praises her daughter even if they're not related she treats her like her own.

"Jessica must be proud of her." She added.

"Please take care of yourself when I'm away and I already told Tyron to shoo every guy who will be hitting on you." TaeYeon playfully said before his wife pushed him away.

"Take good care of Jooyeon too."

"I will." TaeYeon and Tiffany shared a passionate kiss lead into much fulfilling desires with each other.

To be continued

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