CHAPTER 07 : The God Within

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Camilla struggles to get back up after getting hit by Hime's exploding dagger. Her head is slightly bleeding, while the Gundam's torso is damaged because of that explosion.

Hime: "What's wrong? Where's the talent that made you Ichigo's best partner?"

Camilla: "Ugh... Shut your mouth...!"

Camilla finally gets back on her feet.

Noelle: "Camilla-neesan, hang in there."

Hime wastes no time and rushes toward Camilla once more. She swings her axe, which gets parried.

Hime: "Is that all you got!?"

Hime immediately chains the attack with a punch directly to the face, continued with a kick to the gut. Camilla gets knocked back and falls again.

Hime: "Surely, you've lost your edge without you being Seira. If you can't even beat me, you don't have what it takes to stop Elza-chan. You really need to rethink your choice of ultimate idol unit."

Ellis: "T-That fella is powerful."

Miyu: "Is this the power of Yume-chan's senpai? And, why does she know some of Hoshimiya-senpai's moves?"

Noelle: "It can't be."

Once again, Camilla gets back up.

Miyu: "I doubt she can take anymore than this. I have to stop Hime."

Miyu rushes in and stands in front of Camilla, stopping Hime from continuing her attacks.

Hime: "Move aside."

Noelle: "That is enough, Hime-san. There's no need for you to force Camilla-neesan like that."

But, from behind, Camilla taps on Ao Futuris' shoulder, telling Miyu to step aside.

Ellis: "Ca-Camilla?"

Camilla's eyes are starting to look sharper. She then proceeds to boost-jump upward, firing her wrist-mounted blasters as she descends, and then swings her Ether Fangs at Hime. The shot from the blasters are blocked by the beam axe, and then the slash from the Ether Fangs is quickly parried.

Hime: "Perhaps I was right. The more I fight her using Hoshimiya's attack patterns, I'm slowly reverting Camilla into her old, true self, Otoshiro Seira."

Camilla increases the power on her swing to try and overpower Hime's parry.

Hime: "She's pushing... But...!"

Hime powers up and knocks Camilla back again, but not before Camilla fires her waist-mounted blasters. Hime quickly guards against Camilla's surprise shots, slightly damaging her shield.

Hime: "What was that? I didn't expect that attack from her."

Inside 5wingZ Monsterquake, Camilla is kneeling while catching her breath as she's been expending quite a lot of stamina.

Miyu: "This is no good, Dinah-senpai is struggling way too much. Will she be able to beat Hime?"

Camilla slowly stands up with her eyes closed. She opens her eyes, revealing that her eye color has reverted back into gold. Noelle, watching Camilla through Ao Futuris' monitor, is shocked to see the change on Camilla's eye color, which actually looks very familiar. With Camilla standing back up, she moves forward once more with seemingly renewed determination to beat Hime.

[Gunkatsu] Aikatsu ∀0 Season 03 ~PHANTASMAGORIA~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें