CHAPTER 11 : My Little (yet so twisted) Heart

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With the combined effort of Yume, Rola, and Koharu, Elza was successfully defeated and the power of the Star Wings are returned to their rightful holders. After being reunited with her mother, Elza declares peace and cooperation with both Starlight Academy and Four-Stars Academy, officially wrapping her and the Venus Ark denizens within the Aikatsu ring. And thus, Elza and her closest followers are coming along to Starlight Academy to enhance their relationship with their new allies.

Later that night, in Elza's room...

Elza: "Uuhh..."

Elza is having a strange dream, finding herself in a misty area where her vision is obstructed.

Elza: "Hm? Where am I? What is this place?"

????: "Elza-chan..."

Elza: "That voice. Could it be... Hime Shiratori?"

Hime's voice: "I see that Yume-chan and Rola-chan have beaten you in combat."

Elza: "Then what?"

Hime's voice: "Unfortunately, this isn't how you're supposed to lose. They defeated you with the help of Ein Sof - acting as the core of Soleil, but it was against my master's will. My master wanted you to lose because of 2wingS."

Elza: "2wingS? Don't tell me that--!"

Before Elza finishes talking, the mists are disappearing in front of her, revealing what appears to be Ichigo and Seira.

Elza: "Ichigo Hoshimiya and... a different Camilla with long ponytail?"

Hime's voice: "That is the real Otoshiro Seira, the one who was supposed to be Ichigo's partner. And yet, Kiriya Aoi is her partner in this world. This is totally against my master's will and I will not leave that as it is."

Elza: "Wait! Your master? What master are you serving!?"

Hime's voice: "It will be revealed in time. But now, as I go to correct this world, all of you will soon face your retribution. Not just you, but every single idols in this world, too. They must know that it is my master's will that 2wingS is the greatest idol unit ever existed. We shall meet again..."

Hime's voice slowly fades away.

Elza: "Hime, wait! I still don't understand what you are talking about! Wait, dammit! WAIT!"

Elza wakes up gasping like Shinji. She gets up a little bit, looking at her hands.

Elza: "A dream..."

Yukie, who happens to be in the same room as Elza, wakes up when she hears Elza.

Yukie: "Elza, what's wrong?"

Elza: "I just had a strange dream."

Yukie: "What dream?"

Elza: "I heard Hime's voice, claiming that my defeat against Yume and Rola was against her master's will. Yume gained her Ultimate Sun Dress from Soleil, or to be precise, Ein Sof. But, Hime said that it should've been 2wingS who were responsible of my defeat."

Yukie: "2wingS? Is that related to the Star Wings or..."

Elza: "No, that has something to do with Camilla Dinah and the fragments of Seira Otoshiro within her body."

Yukie: "Wait, did you mean the Camilla Dinah who brought me to you back then?"

Elza: "Yes, the very same one that I fought briefly before I absorbed the Mercury and Jupiter wings. Hime fought her because she wanted to awaken the fragments of Seira."

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