CHAPTER 13 : Behind the Curtain

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Author's Notes:
I decided to release this chapter early to coincide with the start of Photokatsu's final event (the Yurika x Kaede event) before the game's eventual closure mid-July. After this, the next chapter will return to its original schedule, which means you'll have to wait a few days longer, unfortunately.


Following the battle against Hime and her four 2wingS Gundams, Camilla got her mind crippled and fell into a vegetative state after the fragments of Seira within her body was blasted by Aoi's Quantum Burst. The minute they returned to Starlight Academy, Camilla is then brought to the quarantine room that was previously used to restrain Ichigo, in fears that a few of the fragments might have survived and have the chance to take over her body subconsciously.

That night, in Orihime's office...

Johnny: "How can this be? Camilla-honey's mind got crippled after Kiriya-honey gave her a good dose of Quantum Burst."

Orihime: "Hikami did report that she fired a shot on the source of a certain ray of light that bathed over Camilla. My speculation is that the ray of light was responsible for crippling her mind, not the Quantum Burst."

Naoto: "Also, that particular light powered up the surviving 2wingS Gundam to fight even more against our girls."

Orihime: "Obviously, that must have something to do with the master Shiratori constantly mentioned."

Johnny: "You're kidding me. Another God trying to mess with us with the excuse of correcting our world? What is wrong with our world anyway?"

Orihime: "Let's not forget about the nightmares that Hoshimiya, Kiriya, and Hikami got before."

Naoto: "Ah, that?"

Orihime: "That master of Shiratori... must be showing them how their Aikatsu should've been. But, I never imagined that it would involve Hikami failing her Fever Appeal during the Starlight Queen Cup, nor the whole Starlight teaming-up with DreAca nonsense which culminated with the showdown between 2wingS and WM."

Johnny: "And, about Camilla-honey, what is our next plan for her? How are we gonna recover her from that state?"

Orihime: "I do not know yet. But, I have a feeling that the Innovators might have some ideas."

Naoto: "Hoshimiya, Kiriya, Nijiyama, Nijino, and Futaba..."

Johnny: "Yeah, I hope so..."


A bit later, in the hangar control room...

Ako: "Really!? Why? You could've stayed with us, Subaru-kyun!"

Kanata: "Well, considering that Starlight Academy is designed for girls only, we figured that we need to stay somewhere else for the time being."

Nozomu: "I mean, Headmaster Moroboshi is also not staying here. Instead, he went to Mount Haruna."

Tsubasa: "I see, the place where those ninjas lived."

Asahi: "It's really odd, though, having a headquarters inside of a lava dome. What if the volcano erupts someday in the future?"

Mahiru: (shrugs) "Well, don't ask me."

Subaru: "So, yeah, we're gonna stay with those ninjas."

Ako: "Come on, Subaru-kyun. Stay with us a bit longer."

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