CHAPTER 17(P) : Union of Innovators

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Three days have passed since the alliance between Starlight Academy, Four-Stars Academy, and Venus Ark brought an absolute end to the threat of 2wingS through the purging of Seira's fragments from Camilla and their destruction of the 2wingS legion warship - sent by The Creator in a divine mission to correct the world into the state where 2wingS reigns as the greatest idol unit in the world. To that end, everyone kept the unity of all Starlight idols unbroken, especially for Ichigo and Aoi as E.S..

At the moment, the idols are still resting up after that big battle drained them of their stamina. Camilla in particular has been taking a longer rest due to the fact that she participated in the big battle right after she recovered from her vegetative state - which led to her stamina getting drained way more than it should.


At Starlight Academy, inside Camilla's room...

Camilla: *munch* *munch*

Camilla is currently eating Ichigo's bento that she gave to her earlier. Miyu and Aria are keeping her company while she's eating.

Aria: "Camilla-san really loves Nandemo Bento, doesn't she?"

Miyu: "She's been like that since the first time she came to Hoshimiya-senpai's house. I mean, I can't blame her, the bento is just so good."

Aria: "I agree. I got a chance to try one when you brought us some yesterday, and it was good, so good."

Miyu: "And we were glad to hear that."

Aria: "Oh, anyway, it's almost time."

Miyu: "Ah, yes, for Akari-chan and Sumire-chan's GN meditation. Even Rola-chan is also participating."

Camilla: "Hm? I heard the cause of their Innovation was because of the high-grade GN particles that the three Gundams produced during my salvage operation."

Aria: "The Phantasm Burst that we used to salvage you... also led them to Innovation?"

Miyu: "That appears to be the case, and that's nothing short of odayaka janai. Oh, let's go to the hangar, we can't keep them waiting."

Miyu and Aria then leaves Camilla's room and heads to the hangar to prepare for Akari and Sumire's GN meditation.


In the Starlight hangar...

Ichigo: "So, yeah, that's our complete story."

Ichigo, Aoi, Akari, and Sumire have just finished telling the story of their past to the Four-Star idols as they are waiting for the GN meditation to begin.

Ako: "I just can't believe it."

Yuzu: "Why should that God ruin your bonds? Your friendship?"

Mahiru: "It really feels reminiscent to how Headmaster Moroboshi forced Rola to pair with me back in the day."

Rola: "However, that wasn't some godly powers we were dealing against, unlike what you had to fight against."

Aoi: "I know. But, by becoming Gundams, we managed to destroy God."

Yume: "Does the fusion of my powers count?"

Rola: "Of course it counts. We defeated Elza-san together because of that power."

Ichigo: "What's a Queen to a God anyway? I'm sure Camilla has told you before that Elza is supposed to be a pushover when compared to Seira."

Akari: "And I'm certain that with our powers combined, that Creator fella won't stand a chance against us, even if He's a godly entity and all that."

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