CHAPTER 10 : Dream Nova

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In Starlight Academy's hangar control room, several of the idols - including Ein Sof - are monitoring the battle that has been going on between Akari's team and Elza's team.

Moroboshi: "Good, Nijino has finally arrived."

Mahiru: "But what about Rola? The power of her Mars wing has been drained."

Aria: "Miyu-chan got her backpack docked on Rola-chan's Gundam. She should be okay for now, even without the power of her Mars wing."

Rei: "Now, it's up to Yume, and also Rola."

Yuzu: "Good luck, Yume-chan! We're counting on you!"

Ichigo: "All of you, I'm sure Yume-chan is going to be okay. We have awakened her true power."

Aoi: "And I also trust on Miyu-chan's judgment. No, not just hers, but also Akari-chan, Sumire-chan, and everyone who are currently participating in the battle."

Johnny: "You got that right, Kiriya-honey. They will definitely be okay, YEAH."


On the battlefield, Yume with her powered-up Gundam Dreamforge is preparing to fight against Elza's Perfect Forte.

Juli: "Elza-sama, I'll assist you."

Elza: "Thanks, but that's not necessary. This is my battle. You just sit there and watch."

Juli quietly obeys and stays put while Elza begins to close in towards Yume.

Elza: "Where did you get such confidence?"

Yume: "From everyone who supported me and powered me up this way."

Elza: "Hoo... but this confidence of yours won't last long, once I drain your Earth wing dry!"

Yume remembers Ichigo's words.

Ichigo: "Remember, Yume. Stick to the plan and give her our toasty surprise."

Yume: "Go ahead and try it."

Elza begins the attack by doing a wide horizontal slash. Yume simply backs off with such a swift movement to dodge the slash. Right after that, Yume leaps upwards, forcing Elza to follow suit and unleash her next chain of attacks, which are multiple combination of slashes with the Venus Gospels. However, Yume constantly dodges Elza's attack easily.

Koharu: "Amazing... Is this Yume-chan after the power fusion?"

Rola: "I'm positive that must be it."

Elza is getting irritated to see Yume constantly dodging her attacks.

Elza: "Enough of you running away! At least let me land a hit on you once and drain your wing's power!"

Without even responding, Yume stops moving and parries Elza's next attack.

Elza: "Thank you."

As Elza is about to activate her power drainer attack, Yume leaps up and gets behind Elza, firing her beam rifle once while she's upside-down.

Elza: "What!?"

Elza deflects the shot away. Then, Yume proceeds to boost away from Elza, prompting Elza to chase after her.

Elza: "And now you're running away again!?"

Elza continues chasing Yume while firing a lot of beam shots at her. Yume does a lot of zig-zagging maneuvers to dodge the shots, much to Elza's irritation.

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