CHAPTER 15 : Deep Dive

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The salvage operation to restore Camilla's crippled mind and bringing her back from her vegetative state has begun. Ichigo, Aoi, and Aria used their respective Harmonics systems on their Gundams to activate the combined Quantum Burst otherwise known as Phantasm Burst, allowing them to dive into Camilla.

Ichigo, Aoi, and Aria opens their eyes, finding themselves in a mysterious dark space.

Ichigo: "Where are we now?"

Aoi: "We should be inside Camilla's mind now."

Aria: "It's so dark in here. Where should we go from here?"

Aoi: "Wait, something's coming."

From behind, 00 Raiser approaches.

Aoi: "Oh, it's you."

00RAISER: "I see that you've managed to enter Camilla's mind."

Ichigo: "Yes, that looks like it. How did you get here anyway? Oh wait, that must be because of our Phantasm Burst, am I right?"

00RAISER: "Yes."

Aria: "This place is so dark, I can't see a thing."

00RAISER: "Try using your Innovator powers."

Aoi: "Okay."

Their Innovator eyes begin to glow, attempting to scan their surroundings.

Aoi: "Yes, we can sense our surroundings now."

00RAISER: "Good."

Aoi: "And... up ahead! Looks like a speck of light."

Aria: "Right ahead? Alright, let's go there!"

00RAISER: "Wait a moment."

Aria: "What's wrong?"

00RAISER: "Let's not forget that the fragments of Otoshiro are still inside. I will come along with you in case something unexpected happens."

Ichigo: "Really? Much appreciated."

Aoi: "Okay then, let's move."

Ichigo, Aoi, and Aria proceeds to head towards the speck of light ahead of them, accompanied by 00 Raiser. Not too long after, they reach the light, which happens to be a pillar of light. Ichigo touches the light, and they're suddenly transported to a brighter space that is surrounded by thin mists. Inside, they find Camilla floating while curling.

Ichigo: "Hey, look. It's Camilla."

Ichigo approaches Camilla from behind and taps on her shoulder.

00RAISER: "No, wait!"

As Camilla looks behind her, she transformed into Seira and floats away from her.

Ichigo: "What?"

Aoi: "What just happened?"

00RAISER: "That has to be one of the fragments. It appears to be a weakened one, though."

Ichigo: "I see... Eh, what is that?"

From the mists, more copies of Camilla start appearing.

Aria: "What is happening?"

00RAISER: "These are... the strengthened fragments!"

The fragments are starting to merge into the one that Ichigo previously touched, which engulfs them with light. Once the light dissipates, Seira is formed.

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