CHAPTER 16(P) : 2wingS No More

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This right here is the canonical "Phantasmagoria" route where Seira chooses to be erased completely.


After taking a lot of thoughts, Seira has finally come up with her decision.

Seira: "00 Raiser, please end me."

The Creator: "What did you say!? You want the Gundam to destroy you!?"

Seira: "I'd rather die than making everyone cry because of me bringing them doom."

The Creator: "No! You must not die! Remember what your God said, you're going to bring balance to this world! And with my help, this should be your last chance to bring that balance!"

Seira: "No, I've had enough of blatant lies. They showed me the truth of this world."

The Creator: "These words you heard from the Gods weren't lies! What makes you think God is a liar?"

00RAISER: "Then convince us with an undeniable proof. Do you have any proof?"

The Creator: "Ugh..."

00RAISER: "If that's your response... that means you really don't have any undeniable proof that none of your words are lies. So then, Otoshiro, I will end you right here and let Camilla return to her friends."

Seira: "Yes..."

00 Raiser takes its GN Sword IIs and points them towards Seira along with both its wing binders. It goes Trans-Am and...


00 Raiser fires its Raiser Sword towards Seira. She takes the full blast wholeheartedly while taking a crucifix stance.

Seira: "Goodbye, Ichigo... I hope you're happy with Aoi... And, Xieras... forgive me..."

With her final tears dropping away, the last of Seira's fragments is completely disintegrated.

The Creator: "OTOSHIRO!!!"


Camilla: "?!"

Ichigo: "I can feel it, the fragments are done for!"

Aoi: "Which means, Camilla will awake once we get outta here."

Hime: "No, this is not possible! THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!"

Aria: "Apparently it's quite possible, Hime-chan."

Camilla: "Now that we're done here, let's get the hell out of here!"

All three: "Yes!"

Ichigo, Aoi, Aria, and Camilla flies up high to get out of the inner depths. From above, 00 Raiser appears, bringing along the illusions of their friends behind as embodiments of everyone's prayers and wishes.

00RAISER: "Take my hand!"

Camilla nods, and she flies faster to reach 00 Raiser's hand, in which she succeeds. They are then pulling themselves out from the dive, returning to the real world.

Commander: "Whoa!"


In the dive chamber, Zeta Stigmata unleashes a bright light from its cockpit area.

Rola: "What's going on!?"

[Gunkatsu] Aikatsu ∀0 Season 03 ~PHANTASMAGORIA~Where stories live. Discover now