CHAPTER 09 : Fused

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Later, at Starlight Academy...

Akari, Sumire, Camilla, and Aria have returned back to the school. Camilla, however, leaves immediately after dropping Aria, still in fear of meeting Ichigo and Aoi. About an hour later, they meet up with every owners of Star Wings in the meeting room, including the ones who lost theirs.

Mahiru: "I see, Ako and Aria have lost their Star Wings' power."

Yuzu: "Only Yume-chan and Rola-chan remains now."

Rola: "Then what are we going to do now?"

Rei: "Obviously, we have to get get Yume up to speed by completing her meditation and making both powers inside her merge. But, in her current state..."

Koharu: "Yume-chan..."

Koharu taps on Yume's shoulder.

Yume: "Koharu-chan, everyone..."

Rola: "Yume, I believe in you. You can master your power and overcome Elza-san. Not just to avenge me getting roasted back then, but also everyone."

Aria: "You can do it, Yume-chan."

Yume: "Thanks, everyone. As much as I want the Starlight idols helping us out in our fights - most especially Ichigo-san an Aoi-san, it still doesn't feel right. It feels like they're meddling in our problem."

Ako: "Wrong. It has become everyone's problem, not just ours alone."

Aria: "I told Akari-chan the same thing. And yes, we are wrapped in this Aikatsu ring after all. It has become everyone's problem, like it or not."

Rei: "Aikatsu ring... I'm sure this will give Elza her well-deserved correction. I'm with you guys."

Someone knocks the door.

Yume: "Yes?"

It is Miyu, opening the door.

Yume: "Oh, it's you."

Miyu: "Yume-chan, Hoshimiya-senpai and Akari-chan are looking for you."

Yume: "Me? Okay, I'll be on my way."

Rola: "I'm coming with you. Is that okay?"

Yume: "Why not?"

Yume and Rola then follows Miyu to where Ichigo and Akari are. They head to Mizuki's usual spot, where Ichigo and Akari are waiting, alongside Aoi and Sumire.

Akari: "Ah, there they are."

Akari spots Miyu arriving with Yume and Rola.

Ichigo: "Welcome, Yume-chan and Rola-chan."

Yume: "Ichigo-san, what business do you have with us two?"

Aoi: "We've been considering something for your meditation."

Yume: "What is it?"

Ichigo: "Using both our Gundams to supply GN particles for the Dreamforge instead of Miyu-chan's. Wait, no, we're actually going to use all of Soleil's Gundams."

Rola: "Wait a sec! I thought it was too risky for Yume."

Akari: "The thing is, we're quite in a pinch right now. Only Yume-chan and Rola-chan's Star Wings remain, and unless we successfully power-up Yume-chan, there's no telling what would happen to both of you if we fail at merging Yume-chan's powers."

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