Teenage runaways

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"Girls, wake up!!" Lily yelled knocking on our door.

Hayes and I just lied there not moving, "do you think if we don't answer her she'll go away?" I whispered to Hayes jokingly.

"I know you're awake, I can hear you whispering, come on we gotta go soon!" Lily yelled getting more and more aggravated.

This time neither of us made a sound, both of us fighting back laughter. "Hazel Martin and Cameron Galleger if you don't let me in right now, I'll come in with water guns like Kyle and Mason usually do!" Lily threatened.

Hayes and I exchanged looks "too bad you don't have a key" Hayes says taunting Lily.

Hayes and I laugh, we even got a little giggle out of Lily.

"That's it! I'm calling Kyle and Mason!" she says unlocking her phone.

"Kyle, hi it's Lily. Cam and Hayes are refusing to get out of bed and unlock their bedroom door" she complained putting emphasis on 'refusing'.

There was a pause before she spoke again "okay, thank you, bye" she said hanging up.

About five minutes later the door to the hotel room opened and three familiar voices greeted Lily. They came to our bedroom door and unlocked it. The door swung open...

Teenage runawaysWhere stories live. Discover now