Chapter 16

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Hayes pov

We've finally arrived, the first thing we saw was the Hollywood sign. It was unbelievable, this place is unbelievable... I'm pretty excited to get off the train and look around.

"Hey, Cam... do you have service?"

She pulled out her phone and checked

"Yes! oh my God I do! I have two bars!"

"Oh my God, hurry! call Max or Jake, before you lose it!"

She instantly began to dial a number, she put it on speaker. it started to ring.

"Hello? Cam, where are you?"

"Hi, Max-"

"No no no Cam what happened?!"

"My phone just died"

"Are you kidding me?" she shuck her head no

"I can't believe this, there gonna think we hung up on them or there gonna think we called to tease them or trick them or something, this is terrible."

"Hayes, it's okay... we'll find an outlet and charge it okay?"

"Alright, yeah, okay, we'll do that"

A few minutes past by until the train stopped

Keith walked over to where we are and helped us get our stuff off the train.

"Okay girls, that's everything, hope you had a good ride... I'll see you two soon"

"Thanks Keith" Cam and I said insync "we'll see you soon, have a safe trip back to where ever you're heading" I continued. He smiled at us the got back onto the train. Once the train was gone Cam and I began to walk.

"We need a plug" she said

"I know, here let's get our chargers out now so we don't have to do it later"

We opened out suitcases and began to look for our chargers... Mine wasn't there and neither was hers.

She looked like she was about to panic so I through out an idea

"We'll buy one?"

"Okay yeah, good idea, lets go quick" we began to run towards the nearest store.

We walked into the store and looked for an iPhone charger. "Can I help you girls with something?" A lady asked walking up to us.

She had bleach blonde hair, fake everything and a really bad spray tan. "Were just looking for a charger." Cam said slowly moving away.

"I have just the kind of charger your looking for." She said motioning us to follow her.

"We actually need two. An iPhone 4s and a 5c." I said before we started to follow her.

"Well you two are in luck, we just restocked on those today." She told us.

She handed us two chargers. "$16.73 is your total. Will that be cash or debit?" She questioned.

"Cash." Cam said pulling her wallet out and handing her a 20.

"$3.27 is your change, you young ladies have a nice day." She said.

"As for you." Cam said walking out of the store.

We began walking down the street. A new life was waiting. Our journey begins now.

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