Chapter 18

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Hayes' pov
The last song we decided to sing was when I look at you by Miley Cyrus. We were getting to the end of the song then someone started singing along with us.
"You, appear, just like a dream to me" the three of us sang together.
A lot of people gave us money this time.
"You girls are amazing, I heard you guys from down the road and just had to come down and see who you guys were"
"thank you! you're really good too, I'm Hayes and this is Cam"
"I'm Shawn"
"as in Mendes?!" Cam asked
"yes ma'am are you guys from here?" "no actually we're from New York"
"you came all that way?"
"well we figured that.."
We both turned to look for whoever called us
"Thank God you guys are okay!" two guys hugged us
"Max, Jake.. what are you guys doing here?" Cam asked
"We needed to find you guys.."
"Well we're fine you guys can go back home" I said
"Hayes, I love you and Max loves Cam, we'll stay with you"
"Jake.. we broke up.."
"I wrote you a letter, I told my 'mom' to give it to you.."
"She didnt.."
"Well I'm sorry.."
"I'm here now we can we get back together"
"No we can't"
"There's someone else"
"Me" Shawn walked forward and but his arm around me
Jake looks at Shawn and walks towards him, he puts one hand on his shoulder and says "take care of her, she's the love of my life and if she gets hurt I'll kick your ass" my heart melted, I don't want to break up with him because I love him too but long distance relationships suck and I can't put either of us through that. Shawn nodded to what Jake said and tightened his grip around me.
"Max, you know maybe we should break up too.."
"No, don't you do that to me"
"You can't stop me"
"Maybe I can't but love can"
"What if I don't love you anymore?"
"do you?"
Cam stuttered
"..No.. I don't, not anymore"
"Look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said"
She couldn't do it, well all knew she still loved him.
"No Max, I said it, that's good enough, leave me alone I don't want anything to do with you anymore"
Max looked surprised, frankly, we all did... no one expected that, not gonna lie, I thought she was gonna give in and stay with him, she's a lot stronger than I thought.
Max and Jake both turned away and started walking back in the direction they came from which I'm assuming is back to the train.
Once they got distant enough where they couldn't hear us Cam whispered
"I love you Max" a tear fell from the corner of her eye, I held her close, hugging her tight, I've never seen her so sad..
"It's okay..."
"Cam listen to me, I know you're not okay, but that's does not give you the right to talk to me like that. I'm not okay either I just broke up with the love of my too"
"This isn't fair"
"I know, you're supposed to break up with someone because you're not I love with them anymore not because you are.."
"I'm sorry Hayes"
"It's okay, come here"
We hugged each other for what seemed like forever until Shawn asked us to follow him
"Guys follow me, I want to show you something and introduce you to a few people"
"Okay" we said in sync, we got into a car and were driving for about 20 minutes. Once we finally arrived to our destination, we got out of the car.
"Wow" I said
"This is amazing" Cam shrieked
We were both blown away with what we saw....

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